Home » Outdoor masks, discos, Green pass: the road map towards normality

Outdoor masks, discos, Green pass: the road map towards normality

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Rome, 11 February 2022 – Via le outdoor masks: Italy sees the goal of reopening the country (here the latest bulletin), two years after the start of the pandemic and on the day when yet another symbolic threshold is exceeded, that of 150 thousand deaths due to the virus. The extent of the obligation to wear protective equipment was decided with the decree of 13 October 2020, therefore 16 months ago, when Giuseppe Conte was still in Palazzo Chigi. But the step towards the return to normality is double: in fact, we also return to dance, with the reopening of discos, the sector that has been most penalized in these two years of emergency. They are the first two big steps of that road map announced by the Prime Minister, Mario Draghito reopen the country, which will lead to a relaxation of all other restrictions, including the Green passand which currently has two other dates: the March 31when the state of emergency will expire, and the June 15when instead the obligation of vaccination for the over 50 will end. Let’s see, therefore, the return to normal schedule.

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From now no more outdoor masks, a big step forward and a symbolic gesture towards the end of the restrictions, because the measure had been decided with the decree of October 13, 2020. From the next few hours, therefore, it will be possible to return to circulate on the streets of cities and towns with the face uncovered even if it will be mandatory to have the mask with you and wear it in situations of gathering.

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Back to dance with the reopening of discosthe sector that has been most penalized in these two years of emergency and which, except for a small parenthesis in the summer of 2020, has always remained closed: they will have to maintain capacity of 50% indoors and you can be without the mask only on the track. Only those who have the Reinforced green passthen showing the certificate of recovery from Covid or vaccination.

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The February 15 is another date X: i public and private workers – including those in the judiciary and magistrates – who have reached the age of 50, will have to to exhibit the Super Green pass at work, which is obtained with the vaccine or with the recovery from Covid. Those who do not do so will not receive the salary but will keep their job. Access to workplaces without a certificate attesting to vaccination or recovery is prohibited and those who do not respect the prohibition will suffer an administrative fine between 600 and 1500 euros.

Dall’1 marchhave already announced Speranza and the undersecretary for Sport Valentina Vezzali, the capacities of stadiums and arenas will rise respectively al 75% e al 60% with the aim of reopening them completely. “I think we can reach 100% – confirms Costa – and the championship will end with full states”.

Another ‘advance’ was instead introduced by an amendment by Italia Viva to the decree on Christmas Eve being converted by the Senate and approved by the Social Affairs Commission: by March 10 it will be possible again visit family members hospitalizedfor 45 minutes a day.

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It should expire on March 31 the state of emergencyin force for over two years, to which, for example, the rules on agile work, or lo smartworking, and those relating to exceptional health surveillance. The government’s orientation is not to extend it, especially if the decline in infections and hospitalizations is confirmed and to avoid fibrillation in the majority. And indeed Matteo Salvini he wasted no time in stressing that “everyone’s goal, I hope, is to reach the end of the state of emergency on March 31”. That could also be the date, as among other things indicated in the last ordinance of the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza, in which we will also say goodbye to indoor masks.

On June 15 a point of arrival: for the over 50 ends the requirement of the vaccineas decided in the decree of the beginning of January.

The discourse on the green pass is different: it is possible that we will begin to eliminate the obligation of the reinforced pass before March 31 for all those activities in which it is provided outdoors, from restaurants to stadiums, and for those in which the ‘basè is needed. , shops, personal services, banks, post offices and public offices. The second step, in conjunction with the end of the state of emergency, could instead concern indoor venues – cinemas, theaters, museums, restaurants – and local means of transport, while it should remain on long-distance ones, to arrive then, in June, to eliminate it in the workplace. A path that has not yet been defined and on which the discussion between the various souls of the government is open.

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