Home » Plavis Pizzocco disappears on the threshold of 70 years of history

Plavis Pizzocco disappears on the threshold of 70 years of history

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One of the last formations deployed by Plavis Pizzocco

The assembly officially sanctions the end of the Santa Giustina society. But a new team has already been born with president Luca Bellus who will restart from Terza

Plavis Pizzocco no longer exists. One of the historic clubs of Belluno football raises the white flag just as it began to glimpse 70 years of history.

Certainly not a bolt from the blue this defection, already announced in recent weeks by the will of a group of parents to establish a new partnership. The little attended extraordinary assembly held in Via Pulliere has in any case decreed the triple official whistle on the biancoceleste club.

Above all, the meager managerial numbers weighed heavily, even if in general the last few years had registered many difficulties. Just think of the stampede of the first team players, in years that were not at all simple from the point of view of results.

The merger with the Pizzocco youth team which took place in 2019, however, seems to have marked the beginning of a new course, being able to integrate the youth sector. Instead nothing to do. Plavis Pizzocco stops and with it provincial football also loses a team in the First Category.

Football in Santa Giustina will restart anyway with the company set up from scratch, whose name should always be Plavis. To manage it a group of parents led by the president Luca Bellus. They will build the youth sector and work on the creation of a senior team to be enrolled in the Third Category.

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Up until the end, someone hoped that in the end continuity would be given to the historic freshman, but the new managers preferred to start over.

“As a municipal administration we take note of the result of the assembly,” says the mayor Ivan Minella. «On our part, there is great regret and in the coming periods we will try to understand how to deal with the management of the facilities and the future of the various sports related activities. It is a difficult moment for our community, but we will work to give continuity to the services much appreciated by families in the country and beyond ».

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