Home » “Preparing for the future” by developing the disabled sports sector beyond the Paralympic Games

“Preparing for the future” by developing the disabled sports sector beyond the Paralympic Games

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“Preparing for the future” by developing the disabled sports sector beyond the Paralympic Games

Getting closer to the Paralympic dream for a weekend. Every year since 2019, the National Institute for Sport, Expertise and Performance (Insep) has welcomed around thirty people with disabilities for two days as part of of the La Relève program. His ambition? Detect and recruit the para-athletes of tomorrow.

“The goal is to advise, guide and support those who want to compete without really knowing in which discipline they can succeed”, explains Marie-Amélie Le Fur, president of the French Paralympic and Sports Committee (CPSF). A nod to the calendar: this 2023 edition takes place on Saturday April 15 and Sunday April 16, the date of the “J – 500” date of the opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games (JP) (August 28-September 8).

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Before being able to go to Insep, the candidates had to register on a specific platform, then meet with representatives of the CPSF who wanted to know more about their background and their motivations. Those whose profile corresponds to the expectations of the program were then invited to the Paris temple of high level for a first day of tests, under the gaze of representatives of the delegated federations of a Paralympic sport.

“They will select people who have shown relevant motor skills”, explains Marie-Amélie Le Fur. The next day will be devoted to putting it into practice, to “to see if there is, indeed, adequacy, and if it is possible to be efficient in competition in this discipline”she continues.

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Going from 1,000 to 3,000 para-welcoming clubs

The former Paralympic athlete, gold medalist in the 100m in London in 2012, as well as in the 400m and the long jump in Rio in 2016, is well aware of this: if a dozen recruits from La Relève could compete in the capital next summer, those of this 2023 edition, on the other hand, will not be ready for the deadline. “But this is an opportunity to prepare for the future. » In fact, the program is intended to continue beyond the disabled high mass.

Especially since it is not limited to high-level training alone: ​​candidates not selected to join the federal framework are still accompanied to practice local sports. “Strengthening the French Paralympic team also means working on welcoming people with disabilities in the clubsargues Marie-Amélie Le Fur. The fewer barriers there are, the more Paralympic athletes can be created. »

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