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Scattered considerations after Bologna-Inter (1-0)

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Scattered considerations after Bologna-Inter (1-0)

Inter no longer know how to win in Bologna and fly within 18 of Naples.

– In Bologna, Inter is called upon to consolidate second place by responding to yet another success from Napoli. It happened quite different with Bologna to give a great test to their fans, confirming the excellent period of form and showing a good football. The Nerazzurri, on the other hand, find themselves mentally tired after the big match against Porto, playing in fits and starts in an ugly match full of lightness. Just and serious defeat for Inzaghi’s men;

– Probably the only one saved in Inter Gosens, the only one who believes in it and performs proactive actions. The midfield sinks into its too slow rhythms. Lautaro he plays the attacking midfielder, but doesn’t sting in the area. Dzeko and Lukaku have no impact. The decision to exclude Barella from the starting eleven is questionable. Dumfries not received;

Bologna beautiful and tough. Compact and square, it exhibits an airy play with a Dominguez (true dragger) in great dust and Orsolini with quicksilver on. Barrow also did well, only missing the goal. Lucumì alone does not always appear up to par. Thiago Motta is proving to be a super interesting coach;

Inter can no longer win in Bologna with Bologna. Inzaghi should explain the renunciation of Barella against a muscular midfield like that of Bologna. Dumfries impalpable and attack too light. This team needs bursts of energy to face normal matches, which is good considering Europe but unacceptable for those who want to win the championship, not this year;

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– Today Inter demonstrated the absolute need to include players skilled in one-on-one in the squad. Nobody dribbles. Nobody jumps man. The impromptu, imaginative play is a shot that the Nerazzurri no longer have in their repertoire since Perisic’s departurebut which in games like today makes all the difference in the world.

The article Scattered considerations after Bologna-Inter (1-0) comes from Sportellate.it.

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