Home » Smallpox of the monkeys, contagion alarm in growth. But is it really the gay disease?

Smallpox of the monkeys, contagion alarm in growth. But is it really the gay disease?

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Smallpox of the monkeys, contagion alarm in growth.  But is it really the gay disease?

The new surge in Covid-19 was not enough, even monkeypox infections continue to grow. And they are scary: “In just over two months, the global epidemic of monkeypox in non-endemic countries it has reached more than 15,000 cases, of which over two thirds reported in the WHO European region. On 23 July, the WHO Director General – reads the World Health Organization website – established that this multinational outbreak constitutes apublic health emergency of international concern, the highest alert level under the International Health Regulations “. But not only. “The monkeypox diagnosis record worldwide: 1,700 cases in a single day. Epidemiological data say that the cases primarily concern a fairly small population: malesbetween the ages of 20 and 40 who became infected preferably sexually or by direct contact. It is urgent to recommend vaccination and other preventive measures to these people ”.

Monkeypox new HIV?

There are over 15 thousand Monkeypox infections in just over two months from the discovery

As Bassetti himself pointed out, most of the cases examined were between men who have had sexual intercourse with infected people. In particular with other men (MSM). That is why, in recent weeks the doubt has crept that the new disease it concerns in particular the homosexual community. A rumor that has been heard from many sides, but that the doctors deny it pointing out that this is not a disease exclusive to gay men and that, consequently, no stigma should be associated. “In the beginning, the cases we saw were linked to travel to Pride events in various countries, but then we have seen other cases that could only occur as a result of local broadcast“, Says Cristina Mussini, full professor of infectious diseases and director of the infectious disease clinic at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. “Anyone who has close personal contact with an infected individual or their contaminated personal effects can develop monkeypox,” she adds. Having worked for more than 30 years in the field of HIV, Mussini is also keen to emphasize that “monkeypox it does not attack the immune system of the organism in the same way and that, a difference of HIV, the symptoms usually disappear after only a few weeks without the need for treatment ”. To intervene in this regard is the WHO itself: “It is important to underline that MSMs are currently at greatest risk of contracting monkeypox due to the social and sexual networks in which the disease has spread most rapidly. The majority of cases – the website reads – continue to be reported among men who have been exposed as a result of sexual intercourse with other men. However, cases of monkeypox are detected also in women and children and doctors must pay attention to the possibility of monkeypox in the evaluation of any patient ”. So stop the innuendo and homophobia aimed at the community, monkeypox can affect anyone, certainly does not ‘pay attention’ to people’s sexual orientation.

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How the infection occurs and what are the symptoms

Smallpox monkeys
Common symptoms of monkeypox include ulcers, swellings, and rashes

But how do you get infected, then? Monkeypox is contracted as a result of prolonged personal contact with an infected individual (including sexual contact) or contact with his contaminated personal effects. Symptoms usually include one or more of the following: skin rashes, spots, ulcers, or blister-like lesions anywhere on the body, but often in the genital area or swollen and painful lymph nodes or fever, headache and body aches, chills or tiredness. But there is no lack of misunderstandings and false alarms. To clarify the doubts about monkeypox starting from the symptoms Mussini, on the WHO website, says that the cases examined “did not necessarily present the rash, considered the typical symptom of monkeypox, which highlights the need for people to consult a doctor quickly and get tested. ” There may also be infected people with no visible ulcers and swollen lymph nodes. “Some of our patients who tested positive for monkeypox had fever, inflammation of the colon and rectum, while others had blister-like lesions on the chin, chest and stomach,” she concludes.

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