It is a very delicate period for the world of support in general. The latest news events have ended up having a strong impact on the everyday life of individual supporters and individual supporters. Once again, the institutions responsible for managing public order, despite having all the means and possibilities to act differently, prefer to hit the crowd and penalize the world of supporters in toto. Thus fueling unhealthy conspiracy theories about traps or the most disparate conspiracy theories as well as raising the level of conflict between fans and the institutions themselves as well as between fans and fans. Precisely the exact opposite of what the Observers and the various thugs of the Ministry set themselves, at least in words.

Spal-Bari in particular was anticipated by the clear solidarity of the West of the house towards the away fans, who were effectively prevented from traveling to Ferrara because they could have crossed paths with the Lecce fans in turn headed to Cremona. Then on closer inspection, even the away sector was largely occupied by red and white fans residing elsewhere and fate could equally have made them cross paths with off-site Salento peers on their travels, so rather than inhibiting those who reside here or there, it would be more appropriate and it is desirable that those responsible for controlling the flow of fans simply do their job. Just like when the well-controllable special trains were banned out of the blue, these maneuvers do not address issues but put the dust under the carpet and split the typhoid into many isolated splinters, in many various small flames ready to be triggered. Sooner or later they will have problems in this sense too and guess what their solution will be there too? That’s right, further bans without ever understanding the heart of the matter.

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Tickets sold for the guest sector as many as 512, in defiance of the limitations, total audience at the “Mazza” which stands at 8,773 admissions. Opposing the approach and moods with which the two squares arrived at this match, Bari dreams of promotion and closely follows the leaders of the category, while Spal, despite starting with the same ambitions for the classification, finds itself once again closer to the specter of a return to C than to the dream of a return to the top flight.

In addition to the sensitivity shown on the eve, the home West also shows off a banner to reiterate and invoke freedom of travel for everyone. Among the guests, on the other hand, the absence of the ultras is clearly noticeable and apart from opening the scarves and cheering on the goals, they won’t be signaled for anything else striking. The match on the pitch instead ended 3 to 4 in favor of Bari, despite the arrival at Spal of the former Roma Nainggolan which however did not help to revive the fortunes of the team led on the bench by his old teammate Daniele De Rossi. Defeat that hurts and more than a few grumbling rises from the stands, even if as many try to goad the team’s pride, urging it to do more and better. Now everything is being played out on a fine thread and a breakthrough is needed to avoid drama.

Luigi Bisio