Home » Teramo a Spicchi, talent and experience at TaSp with Stefano Moretti: “I’m Ultra Loaded!”

Teramo a Spicchi, talent and experience at TaSp with Stefano Moretti: “I’m Ultra Loaded!”

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Teramo a Spicchi, talent and experience at TaSp with Stefano Moretti: “I’m Ultra Loaded!”

Another player of great quality and experience joins the red and white roster. Teramo a Spicchi has in fact decided to add winger Stefano Moretti, an athlete well known and appreciated in the area for having built an excellent reputation in Serie C over the years. Now comes the well-deserved jump in category for a talent whose career in his youth seemed destined for important stages for athletic and technical skills out of the norm. Then it happens that life gives and takes away, but the difference always makes the willpower of the individual, his determination to constantly want to get back into the game and the awareness that inevitably comes over the years.

Stefano Moretti is now a mature boy who wants to demonstrate that he can continue to give something to the sport that has continuously accompanied his life: “Finally! I feel like saying this, because I’ve been close to playing for Teramo in Spicchi for years but then nothing came of it. And then there’s the pleasure of being able to test myself for the first time in my career in Serie B. I’m super excited and highly motivated for this season – these are Moretti’s first statements – and I can’t wait to get started. I also consider this opportunity a culmination of the tremendous work I’ve done over the years to get back on the pitch after the injuries I’ve suffered in my career. All in all, I couldn’t ask for anything better. My motivations are sky high. Of course, it will be a tough test for me and for the team, but we’ll be ready to face it with the right attitude. In fact, I am convinced that we will be able to obtain some great satisfactions despite the competitive level of the championship”.

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The presence in the red and white technical staff of coach Gramenzi and his deputy Giorgio Palantrani therefore had a significant influence on the decision of the winger born in Teramo in 1990, with a brilliant past at youth level with the then Serie A Teramo Basket (one U18 national final played in the 2007/08 season and 2 rallies with the Italian U18 national team together with a very young Achille Polonara, under the guidance of illustrious coaches such as coach Bocchino and coach D’Arcangeli): “The presence in the technical staff of two people I know very well, Massimo Gramenzi and Giorgio Palantrani – continues Moretti – was a determining factor in my choice. I’ve already been trained by Massimo and I had the pleasure of playing together with Giorgio so they know what I can give and I know what to expect from them. A well-defined role has been carved out for me, and I will do everything to repay the trust placed in me. I will help the team in any way that is asked of me. And there will be a need because we will face teams with foreign athletes and players from higher categories but both the staff and ds Piliego are moving well to set up a team that can have its say in a competitive context such as the Interregional Serie B “.

Stefano Moretti’s super positive approach can only be highlighted by coach Massimo Gramenzi: “I’ve known Stefano for many years. He’s one of the first names I thought of – confirms the Teramo coach to Spicchi – when the club asked me to lead the team and having already trained him in Regional C I know what he’s capable of. Also, having followed him over the years, I know how much he has matured. As a boy he was one of the most interesting prospects of 1990 at the Italian level, with important physical and technical qualities. In the course of his career he has collected far less than he could have done, partly through his demerits and partly through adverse circumstances. Now however, he is aware of the opportunity he is being given and I saw so much enthusiasm in him the moment I contacted him”.

For the 33-year-old from Teramo, a central role is expected in the balance of the team coming off the bench: “Moretti can be very useful tactically – continues coach Gramenzi – because he has the physique to cover two roles and help both the wingers and the longs. He has a three-point shot, attacks the rim, is a complete player who has acquired the right maturity to be able to play this chance in the best possible way. I’ve seen a lot of players in recent years and sincerely, knowing what he’s capable of, I think Stefano is competitive and reliable even at this level. I am also convinced that he will be an excellent glue within the group and will also help us manage the dynamics in the dressing room. In short, I’m really happy with the fact that he has embraced our project ”.

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Equally satisfied is TaSp Sports Director Davide Piliego: “We are very happy that Stefano will wear the Tasp shirt in the next championship. He was immediately enthusiastic about the opportunity to compete in Interregional B and we saw him as very, very determined. He comes from excellent seasons in C silver and is an athlete who can play in two roles and give us a lot not only from a technical point of view but also from a character point of view ”.

Stefano Moretti (1990, ala, 196 cm, 99 kg)

2008/09 L’Aquila Basket – Regional Series C

2009/11 Penta Basket – Regional C

2012/13 Campi Basket – Regional C (won championship)

2013/15 Penta Basket – Regional C

2015/16 Basket Teramo 2015 – Regional C (championship won)

2018/19 Nova Campli Basket – C Silver

2019/20 Olimpia Mosciano – C Silver

2020/21 Amateur Basketball breaking latest news – C Silver

2021/22 Teramo Basket 1960 – C Silver

2022/23 Teramo Basket 1960 – C Silver (won championship)

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