Home » Toulouse qualifies for the final by beating Annecy (2-1)

Toulouse qualifies for the final by beating Annecy (2-1)

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Toulouse qualifies for the final by beating Annecy (2-1)

Toulouse qualified on Thursday April 6 for the final of the Coupe de France, winning 2-1 in the semi-final at the Parc des sports in Annecy.

The Toulousains ensured their qualification at the 85e minute by Farès Chaïbi. They had opened the mark by Zakaria Aboukhlal (36e). Annecy had equalized just before the break by Alexy Bosetti (45e+4).

The Toulousains, who had been released in this same enclosure in 2021, when they were playing in Ligue 2, by Rumilly-Vallières (N2, 4e division) in the quarter-finals, will face, on April 29 at the Stade de France, Nantes who eliminated Lyon, Wednesday (1-0).

This match will also have a taste of revenge for the Toulouse football club (TFC) which had lost, in 2021, in the Ligue 1 accession play-offs against FC Nantes then 18e of L1 and led by his former coach, Antoine Kombouaré.

Decisive goal by Farès Chaïbi

Entered the game at the 64e minute in place of Rafael Ratao, Chaïbi took advantage of a bad back pass from the head of Arnold Temanfo to restore the advantage to the TFC (2-1).

The Toulouse had opened the scoring by Zakaria Aboukhlal who took over with a header at the near post a cross delivered from the right wing by Branco van den Boomen (36e).

Read the decryption: Ligue 1: like other French clubs, the TFC turns to less expensive foreign players

But Annecy equalized on a penalty converted by Alexy Bosetti after a foul committed on himself by Gabriel Suazo in added time of the first period (45e+2).

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At the very end of the match, Annecy thought it was entitled to another penalty shootout after the three that allowed it to reach the semi-final for the first time in its history, but the magnificent goal of Moïse Sahi, who found the skylight, was canceled for offside (90e).


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Toulouse, 13e of Ligue 1 and which remained on three defeats over the last four days of the championship, joined the final of the Coupe de France for the second time in its history after winning the event in 1957 (victory over Angers 6-3). The TFC then failed three times in the semi-finals in 1966, 1985 and 2009.

Read also: Football: Toulouse FC once again thrills the hearts of its supporters

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