Home » Two golds and four podiums for the Raschiani team at the youth tricolors

Two golds and four podiums for the Raschiani team at the youth tricolors

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Two golds and four podiums for the Raschiani team at the youth tricolors

Giovannini’s victories in the juniors and in the mixed relay Also a silver and a bronze medal for the club from Libanore


The Raschiani Triathlon Pavese won two Italian titles, a silver medal and a bronze medal in the Italian youth triathlon championships that took place in Lovadina di Spresiano (Treviso). Over 520 boys in the Junior, Youth B and Youth A categories competed for the jerseys of the Italian champion.

The two victories

In the men’s juniors Pietro Giovannini won, while the second title came in the junior mixed relay with the team made up of Pietro Giovannini, Paola Sacchi, Nicolò Astori and Matilde Locatelli. Paola Sacchi from Pavia won the silver medal in junior women, where her partner Matilde Locatelli placed sixth. In the junior males third step of the podium for Nicolò Astori, while Edoardo Bendinelli finished twelfth and Leonardo Allegri twenty-first.

Lucrezia Biesuz from Pavia won the special Best Transition award in youth B (the ranking is compiled by adding the two transition times on and off the bicycle). The 22 Junior relay race was dominated by the Raschiani Triathlon Pavese who took the lead with the new Italian individual champion Giovannini, an advantage that was then increased by his teammates.

Also of note in the Youth B the fourth place of the Vogherese Lorenzo Pellicciardi 12 seconds from the podium and the 20th of Francesco Strada, while in the women Sofia Poli closes in ninth place, Lucrezia Biesuz at the twelfth and Alice Balestra at the 48th, while twenty-first is placed Benedetta Trentin and fiftieth Alessandra Tessarin, both Jct Vigevano.

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In the thirty-sixth men’s youth B Francesco Interlandi, Jct Vigevano. In youth A is 113th Max Perrina, Raschiani, and 15th the Vigevanese Francesco Interlandi. «We have won four medals – smiles the president Andrea Libanore – I did not expect such an exploit. I am happy with the performance of my athletes and I also thank their coaches. I am especially happy for Pietro Giovannini who in the first real race of the season won an important individual title and led the relay to victory. It should be emphasized that on the last day of the championships Paola Sacchi with the team from Lombardy also won the Regions’ Cup ». –

Maurizio Scorbati

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