Home » Two hundred euros in paychecks. New decree aid to families: this is what the government will do

Two hundred euros in paychecks. New decree aid to families: this is what the government will do

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Two hundred euros in paychecks.  New decree aid to families: this is what the government will do

Two hundred euros in paychecks or tax wedge cuts (by 0.8%)? It’s hypothesis on the Government table to cope with the dear bills and contain the impact ofinflation which is eroding the purchasing power of Italians.

New decree

At least one and a half billion more, with the possibility of cutting out something more until tomorrow morning. The government’s May 1st was a day of work to find a way to increase the dowry (which it should go from 6 to 7.5 billion at least) of the expected new decree on aid to families and businesses that will be launched by the council of ministers in a few hours, probably in the early afternoon, and then illustrated by Mario Draghi at the press conference. The final squeeze is a game of joints in which the intervention on the tax wedge is not yet certain, on which the pressure is strong, especially from the Democratic Party.

Two hundred euros in paychecks or a cut on the tax wedge?

On the table, it is told by the parties, two hypotheses: a one-time bonus of 200 euros in the next paycheckor a strengthening of tax reduction (tax cut on paychecks) by 0.8% for incomes up to 35 thousand euros, decided for the whole of 2022 in the last maneuver and cost about 1.5 billion.

The second solution is considered more concrete, since the budget estimated so far is close to one billion. A figure however considered too small by Confindustria and the social partnersas well as by some souls of the variegated majority, and the problem was also raised by the Minister for Regional Affairs, Mariastella Gelmini.

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The times

It is not excluded, it is argued in the circles of the majority, that the intervention on the wedge can be postponed to a later datewhen more resources will be available to carry out a structural measure.

Energy crisis

In fact, with the new decree the 20 billion euros allocated by the government in four months to tackle the energy crisiswhich became more serious with the war in Ukraine.

Attesa per l’Energy Recovery Fund

Palazzo Chigi and Mef do not yet foresee a deviation, pending understand if the EU will field an Energy Recovery Fund. In the meantime, the new Commission guidelines per the use of the resources of the Recovery Fund for the Pnrrwith useful information for individual countries to modify and update their respective national plans.

The interventions of the EU

Furthermore, the EU is thinking about a possible hypothesis of increasing resources in the light of thesoaring commodity pricesto avoid the risk of companies renouncing tenders.

the gas war

But before even evaluating any hypothesis, he would wait for the analysis work that the OECD and IMF would be doing. While waiting for a difficult synthesis in Europe between conflicting interests also on the gas price ceiling, the Draghi government adds in the new decree other instruments for the emancipation from Russian supplies: the “urgent” implementation of floating regasifiers beyond 12 nautical miles from the coastbut also of fixed systems on the ground.

The floating and renewable regasifiers

The presidents of the regions where they will be located i new regasifiers will be appointed extraordinary commissioners for the authorization of the works. Simplifications are then envisaged to de-bureaucratize and shorten plant start-up times for the renewable, wind and photovoltaic energies. And we are moving towards a derogation of at least six months to maximize the use of coal-fired plants in Italy, without giving up the path of decarbonization, once the emergency has ceased. At the same time, the commitment to stop the emergency for families and businesses continues, a difficult mission in the face of inflation.

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Fuel bonus

In addition to the extension until June of the reduction of 30 cents in excise duties on fuels and the extension of the tax credit for energy-intensive companies.

Discount bills

A new enlargement of the social bonus for bills. Il Isee roof to get the discountraised in March from 8 thousand to 12 thousand euros, is expected to rise up to 14-15 thousand euros.


At Mise a mechanism was studied to really make it happen automatic the bonus at the same time as the presentation of the ISEEto resolve critical issues that emerged in recent weeks.

Aid to businesses

A fund of around 200 million euros for the companies with strong exchanges with the areas involved in the war (such as Russia, Ukraine and Belarus). Instead, thanks to a series of simplifications, those that will make investments beyond the 50 million euros in strategic productions.

Commuters and public transport passes

The support for commuter workers for subscriptions to transport services. Faced with such varied measures, it was initially thought to unpack them in two different decrees, a hypothesis set aside for now also to avoid further clogging the calendar. In the morning the last measures and probably – we think in parliamentary circles – a check with the parties of the majority.

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