Home » Why football no longer fascinates the very young — Sportellate.it

Why football no longer fascinates the very young — Sportellate.it

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Why football no longer fascinates the very young — Sportellate.it

Football is having a sharp setback with regard to the interest of the youngest. Except in particular cases, such as in Naples where the passion for this sport is truly visceral and identifying, the national sport par excellence is losing support among the very young.

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Football, however, is going in a totally opposite dimension. Why? Let’s try to explain it.

The games are getting boring

It’s okay to be ‘results’, it’s okay that the fan wants to win and it’s also okay that the goal is to bring the trophy home. But a football match cannot and should not be boring. If once it was enough for your team to win, today it is no longer the case. Because, unlike the 80s and 90s, there are so many things that a person can do.

Rather than seeing a shot on goal within 90 minutes, many people prefer to perhaps watch a TV series on Netflix, just to give an example. The show offered is not always the best and, therefore, it is normal that at some point the enthusiasts go elsewhere. Indeed, just to underline the importance of this, there are fans who don’t even watch the matches of their favorite team because they are too boring.

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It’s becoming an ‘expensive’ sport

The two Champions League derbies of the 2022/23 season set the box office record. At first glance, this should be good news but in reality it is not, except for the pockets of the companies. Because, probably also due to price increases, football is no longer the people’s sport but is becoming a very expensive sport.

In fact, tickets to go to the stadium can easily exceed 100 euros (at least those that guarantee good visibility) and if for a young student they can be many, let alone for a single-income family.

Obviously, at this point, either you prefer to watch it from the sofa or do other activities that are certainly cheaper. All at the expense of the show.

The attention span has dropped

It is not known whether due to social networks or simply social networks have brought to the surface what was already in the air: attention span has dropped significantly in recent years. Carefully watching a football match for 90 minutes or more is practically impossible and, often, something else is done during the match.

This, therefore, compromises the ‘enjoyment’ of the event itself, also lowering enthusiasm. It is therefore no longer an indispensable appointment. But a football match has simply become an extra in our life.

Football, in a nutshell, must make a move if it wants to survive.

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