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55% have already used the PNRR

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55% have already used the PNRR


82% of those using the funds declare that they use them to invest in the digitization and technological innovation of their company. 66% need professional profiles with specific skills in the digital field, but almost all struggle to find them

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Posted 14 Jul 2023

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The Italian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) they are accelerating on digitization. This is the main evidence that emerges from the fourth edition of theQonto Observatory. According to the survey conducted on a sample of 1500 Italian SMEs operating in different sectors, the 55% has already made use of the incentives provided by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) achieving significant growth compared to 2022 (43%). Among those who have not yet used the funds, almost 70% plan to do so in 2023. Furthermore, 82% of those who have used the funds have intended for digitization and technological innovation of their companies.

Micro-enterprises late in using incentives

The investigation also revealed that the Larger SMEs are those who continue to adhere more to the incentives: the 59% con 50-250 employees has already made use of the funds, recording an increase compared to 2022 (56%), while only 25% of micro-enterprises with up to 10 employees have already taken action to use the funds.

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Digitization of documents

Still, only 35% of SMEs said they have used or want to use i funds such as React-Eu in support of SMEs and professionals against high bills, which for Italy has availability of 14.4 billion. On this front, it is interesting to note that the percentage rises among micro-enterprises up to 10 employees (57%).

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There is a lack of digital profiles

Digitization requires trained and competent resources, as evidenced by 66% of SMEs that have declared that they need to profiles with specific skills, but more than half (56.5%) found it difficult to find these profiles. Also, the 43% declared that they have adopted or intend to adopt Artificial Intelligence technologies in the future.

PNRR, an opportunity for digital innovation for Italian companies

Mariano SpallettiCountry Director for Italy of Qonto, commented that the PNRR represents a significant opportunity for many Italian companies, which are using the funds to digitize their business and become increasingly competitive on the market.

And to date, the EU has already donated 67 billion euros to Italy out of the 191.5 billion in funds provided for by the PNRR for innovation and digitalisation, ecological transition and social inclusion by 2026. However, Spalletti underlined the importance of having professional profiles with specific training and constantly updated, above all considering the wide diffusion and the importance of Artificial Intelligence.

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