Home » Buses with dashcams are supposed to find illegal parkers

Buses with dashcams are supposed to find illegal parkers

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Buses with dashcams are supposed to find illegal parkers

Local public transport in Wiesbaden is struggling with problems. Due to overcrowded streets, delays occur again and again in everyday life. Actually, there are special bus and environmental lanes to prevent just that. But these are often blocked by motorists.

“Vehicles parked incorrectly on the street massively slow down bus traffic. This regularly causes delays in the timetable,” explains Marion Hebding, commercial director at ESWE Verkehr. “In most cases, our drivers have to merge into the flow of traffic in order to avoid an obstacle. In the worst case, our buses are stuck in traffic with other road users. Passengers don’t get to their destination on time and are rightly upset.”

The transport company ESWE Verkehr has now started to equip its own buses with dashcams so that such illegal parkers can be better held accountable in the future. The front cameras can be triggered at the push of a button and then create a series of photos of the road – including GPS data and the exact time.

The recordings should meet all data protection requirements and are first checked manually before they are then forwarded to the city traffic authorities. They then decide whether a corresponding fine procedure should be initiated. Illegal parking in bus lanes faces a fine of 70 euros. In the event of obstruction in environmental lanes, a point in Flensburg is added to this fine. A total of 30 vehicles are to be equipped with a camera system by the end of 2024.

Quelle: ESWE

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