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Google Drive users report serious data loss

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Google Drive users report serious data loss

Cloud storage can be extremely useful. With one click, all data ends up on an external server and is available there at any time. Some Google Drive users are now having to experience first-hand that they can also get lost there.

Google Drive acts as a backup solution for many users. Images, videos and other data go directly to the cloud to be stored securely there for what feels like eternity. At least in theory. But apparently problems can also arise with a tech giant like Google.

For a few days now, more and more reports have been appearing online that talk about missing data. The first of these support posts states that Google Drive suddenly reverted to May 2023 status.

This was followed in the coming days by further reports describing similar cases. The extent seems to be different in all cases. Sometimes “only” the last three months of data are missing, other times it is six months or more.

What exactly happens with the data is still unclear. They do not go into the trash and there is no evidence of deletion in the activity log either. There is simply no trace of the data. Google already knows about this error. “Apart from the thread link you provided, other admins have also reported the same behavior where files were lost after the update,” said a support employee to one of those affected.

They are busy analyzing the causes and have not yet succeeded in restoring the missing data. Nobody is on the safe side. The problems occur with both private and business customers. So if you have saved particularly important data on Google Drive, you should probably think about an additional physical backup. You can find suitable hard drives at ALTERNATE!

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