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Great Ways to Integrate Technology into the Classroom

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Integrating technology into the classroom means educators and students can communicate better. Students can have a voice in their education. They can take responsibility for their learning and give feedback. They also gain more understanding of how to use technology. Finding creative ways to integrate technology in the classroom creates more engagement. It enriches the learning environment for students. Here are some tips on how to integrate it into the classroom. 

Incorporate gamified learning

Learning should be fun, and playing games to learn can be great fun. Learning games can incentivize students to memorize new information. Quizlet is a popular app that offers students an interactive reward-motivated learning experience. 

Games can get students to take part in activities instead of listening passively. Educators are learning how to integrate online study and gaming tools into classrooms. In the future, they are likely to use more puzzles, apps and digital learning games. They can help students to grasp concepts and apply new information.

Find online writing help

College students can benefit from the use of online resources such as online writing services. They may find it difficult to complete the task on time. They have so many other things to do, like preparing for exams and attending lectures. College students can get assignment help at Studyclerk, an online writing service where professional writers for hire are on hand to make sure you get good grades backed up by their high-quality writing that is always on target. This will help you to always stay on top of your educational goals.

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Use mobile devices for self-directed learning

Technology enables students to learn at their own pace – they can review hard concepts or skip ahead if they know something well already. They can take the initiative to teach themselves. 

Laptops and other mobile devices make them active participants in their own education. They can access articles that complement a lesson. There are various educational sites that offer brief tutorials on core curriculum concepts. This helps them to broaden their knowledge and understand concepts better. 

Take virtual field trips

There are various apps, such as Google Streetview, that allow educators to explore from the comfort of the classroom. Students can have some remarkable experiences, such as seeing the view from the top of the Statue of Liberty. There are many national and even international landmarks that offer virtual tours. 

Many art museums have virtual tours, including the Louvre in Paris. Students can visit a national park like Yellowstone. They can use interactive maps to see the Mud Volcano or watch the Old Faithful Geyser livestream. They can visit a planetarium and learn more about planets, stars and solar eclipses. Students will never run out of engaging learning experiences when going on virtual field trips. 

Integrate social media

Students spend so much time on social media, and integrating its use into the classroom makes sense. Educators can create a Facebook group for a class. They can use it to create polls, post-class materials or discussion topics. It can become a useful page for students to visit. They can share photos of class activities and interact with classmates. 

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Cater for different learning styles

There are many software tools that can help educators cater to different learning styles. Students can receive instruction that educators customize for them, so it’s relevant to them. There are tools that allow educators to monitor the progress of all students and keep them on track. They can use these tools to customize student study, work and testing environments. 

Facilitate collaboration 

Technology facilitates and impacts collaboration. It enables students to work on group projects and share documents. They can help one another to learn and even collaborate with other students from all over the world. Educators can help them to learn how to use video conferencing tools, such as Skype and Zoom. Sharing information promotes deeper engagement and can be a strong motivator. 

Gather student feedback

Educators need feedback from students to find out how well they are learning. Using online surveys and polls can help them to check in with students and get their opinions on lessons. They can address any questions or concerns. Students may enjoy using Twitter hashtags to tweet their feedback. They could pose their questions using a classroom hashtag. 


Integrating technology in the classroom has many benefits. It helps educators and students communicate. It can engage students and enhance lessons. Some useful ways to use it include gamification and virtual field trips. Students learn more when they’re having fun and are fully engaged. Technology can provide many entertaining ways to engage them and help them learn. 

Author’s Bio

Stella Gary loves writing. It’s her passion for working in the writing field that has made her famous and fulfilled her dreams. She still sees herself as a writer who grows every day with new experiences and does every academic paper with finesse. She’s currently doing a book on best writing practices for college essays.

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