Home » Hogwarts Legacy’s main story spans 40+ hours revealing lead designer

Hogwarts Legacy’s main story spans 40+ hours revealing lead designer

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Hogwarts Legacy’s main story spans 40+ hours revealing lead designer

A few weeks ago, it was rumored that completing Hogwarts Legacy would take about 35 hours, and if you also completed all or most of the side quests, it would take about twice as long.

Now, after talking to the developer himself at a recent preview event, we can reveal that the rumors are mostly true, except that the game time may actually be longer.

When asked about the length of the game, lead designer Kelly Murphy said:

“So we found it difficult to put a number just in terms of playstyle. But for the first playthrough, if you just go through the main story, you’re going to see a 40+ hour experience. If you decide to do everything, you’ll More than 100 hours, maybe 120 hours.

While that’s certainly an estimate, it seems like Hogwarts Legacy will still be an absolutely massive game, as Kelly Murphy revealed that despite being in development on the game from the start, he hasn’t even discovered everything yet:

“Interestingly,I’ve been working on this game for six years, and I’ve played it many times, but I haven’t seen every part of Hogwarts. Hogwarts, the school, some places I haven’t even seen.

If you’re interested in the Hogwarts legacy, be sure to read our recent preview.

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