Home » How do laser weapons that will be used in wars work?

How do laser weapons that will be used in wars work?

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How do laser weapons that will be used in wars work?

The laser weapons they are now becoming a tangible reality on the battlefield, while they were the prerogative of science fiction until recently. This advanced technology promises to fundamentally change the way we think about war, offending precision capabilities never seen before. But how do they work?

Laser weapons belong to the family of directed energy weapons, a group that also includes acoustic and electromagnetic devices. They look like something out of a science fiction novel and shoot pure energy. But let’s focus on lasers, the true protagonists of this technological evolution of which China seems to be a fervent promoter.

Acronym for “light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, is essentially a device that emits extremely concentrated light. Unlike that produced by a light bulb, which disperses in all directions, the laser beam maintains its coherence and direction over long distances. This feature makes him incredibly powerful, allowing him to concentrate energy on precise points with devastating effects.

The heart of a laser weapon consists of three main components: a mezzo active (which can be gas, crystal or liquid), a system Of pumping which supplies the vehicle with energy and a cavity opticswhere the ray is generated.

First of all, the pumping system sends energy to the active medium. When this receives energy, it becomes excited and begins to produce photons, particles of light as well as the fastest entity in existence. These are not dispersed everywhere but are made bounce avanti and back inside the optical cavity, which helps them all travel together in the same direction, making them stronger and united. Eventually, when they are powerful enough, they are released as a very precise laser beam.

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On the battlefield, laser weapons offer a number of unique strategic advantages. They can, for example, disable vehicles or shoot down drones without the need for physical munitions, thus reducing costs and increasing efficiency. Furthermore, the ability to hit targets with incredible precision minimizes collateral damage, a crucial aspect in modern military operations.

However, the long-term health effects they are still being studied, and their effectiveness can be influenced by environmental factors such as fog or rain.

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