Home » Huawei Watch D, proof of the smartwatch that (really) measures your blood pressure

Huawei Watch D, proof of the smartwatch that (really) measures your blood pressure

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Huawei Watch D, proof of the smartwatch that (really) measures your blood pressure

When it comes to wearable devices capable of measuring vital signsthe new Huawei Watch D represents perhaps the most interesting novelty seen in 2022.

Presented at the IFA in Berlin last September, the device is the first with CE medical certification can also measure blood pressure without the need for additional tools. A result that Huawei achieves by incorporating a mini-compressor into the watch case (although small in size) which inflates a air chamber placed between the strap and the leatherin order to exert on the wrist arteries the pressure necessary to detect the pressure.

There is also the possibility of measuring blood saturation, skin temperature, heart rate or electrocardiogram (ECG), which here as with all other smartwatches it can only detect an eventual atrial fibrillation (because it has a “single lead”, ie it monitors a single point instead of the 12 of the standard ECGs).

Then they abound types of exercise that can be monitored in real time, from outdoor running to cycling, up to exercise on the elliptical or treadmill. Swimming and other water sports remain excluded: the Watch D, precisely because of the mechanism measurement pressure, does not like water (not even that of the shower) and must be kept dry.

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A different smartwatch

From the moment you open the box, it is immediately clear the Watch D is not a smartwatch like the others: to work well, must be worn correctly, and to identify the correct adjustment of the strap, you must first measure the wrist with a special graduated paper bracelet. The operation returns the parameter with which set the length of the cuff, so that the inflatable section exerts the correct pressure when the pressure is measured.

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Once on the wrist, the wide fluoroelastomer bracelet adheres well and is comfortable, also thanks to the soft inflatable part, which with its generous size goes well with the watch case, slightly thicker than average to make room for the small compressor. The latter is very quiet, effective and does not seem to affect the battery too much, which in any case has returned to us in these two month trial at least 6 days of autonomy with an average of 3 pressure measurements per day.

How the Watch D works

Pressure is measured by inflating a small double-layered airbag, positioned approximately halfway along the strap, which cuts off traffic momentarily before release. To take the measurement you must be seated with both feet on the ground, with the back well supported and with arm in a specific position, well described by very clear instructions.

As with the larger standard devices, the Watch D measures the pressure in the arteries as the heart pumps blood during each beat (systolic blood pressure) and as the heart prepares for the next beat (diastolic blood pressure). You may have noticed that, when a doctor measures blood pressure, he also inserts the stethoscope under the inflatable cuff to monitor the patient’s heart: this is what the system takes care of. 8 sensors distributed in a ring on the bottom of the smartwatch case, with the Watch D using Huawei’s TruSeen 5.0+ heart rate monitoring technology.

The result is duly documented with a dedicated screen, therefore the data is transmitted to the Huawei Health app (needed to make the smartwatch work and pair it with the phone), which archives them and provides useful statistics complete with graphs. You can also set up custom measurement schedules, whereby the app sends you blood pressure reminders at scheduled times. The feature is very easy to use and 30 seconds are enough for the measurement. The only flaw: the position of the arms prevents you from seeing the screen while the process takes place, and it can happen that you press badly and stay there waiting in vain for the bracelet to inflate.

Form and substance

The Watch D has a rectangular display 1.64 inch amoled with 456×280 resolution and 326ppi, which is very easy to read in all lighting conditions, also thanks to the clear and pleasant graphics of the HarmonyOS operating system in the wearable version. The screen is obviously touch, and the transition from one screen to another is fluid and precise as standard for Huawei devices. The aluminum case has a streamlined and rounded line, interrupted on the right side only Home and Health buttons, which launches the pressure measurement by default but is programmable. Elegant despite its size, the Watch D weighs just 40.9 grams and it costs 399 euros.

Huawei Health

The software part, and more precisely the app on which the functioning of the Watch D depends, is the strong point and in some specific cases also the weakness of this great device, which however remains indicated and advisable not only for those with hypertension problems, but also for those who practice one of the 70 sports that it is able to monitor. Dedicated to personal health and well-being, the app offers detailed statistics on physical activity, stress, allows you to keep a food diaryguides in anti-stress meditation practices and offers free training programs.

The problem may be getting it: on platform iOS Setup and pairing with iPhone are quick and easy while on Android the process is more cumbersome, with the app that must be downloaded directly from the Huawei website (or from the Galaxy Store, if you have a Samsung), and with a few more steps to do to match the smartwatch and phone. It is also useful to remember that from Watch D cannot answer a call or to a message. After all, you can’t have everything.

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What we liked

  • the measurement of the pressure is accurate enough

  • the drums lasts several days, even with heavy use

  • pairing with iPhone is easier and faster

  • the Huawei Health app is rich in functionality.

What we didn’t like

  • it is available in only one color

  • il prezzo it’s a bit high

  • the watch faces available are mostly health-themed

  • pairing on devices Android it’s still flimsy

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