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Immersive vision and artificial intelligence, this is how Google Maps changes

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Immersive vision and artificial intelligence, this is how Google Maps changes

They call it immersive vies, it was launched last year but now lands on the Google maps of iOS and Android smartphones. Imagine accessing information such as traffic, weather, air quality, bike lanes and nearby parking to simulate your travel itinerary. The engines of this innovation are artificial intelligence for forecasting, maps for geolocation and data. It basically means being able to plan your trip down to the smallest detail by navigating the streets like a video game based, for example, on the weather or traffic forecasts. The videos shown at the Google I/0 developer conference held last week in Mountain View California are truly impressive. Immersive View for Routes will arrive by the end of the year in 15 cities and the good news is that there will also be two Italian cities (Florence and Venice).

Is the other new feature that gives a good idea of ​​how maps are changing with the introduction of Ai 3D Tiles?

This new geographic data product offers a seamless 3D mesh model of the real world, textured with our high resolution RGB optical imagery and uses the same 3D map source as Google Earth. Specially designed for city-scale viewing from block to block, you can use photoreal 3D “tiles” to visualize over 2500 cities in 49 countries and create 3D viewing experiences right in your app.

Because it’s interesting? Building 3D models of the world takes a lot of work and resources. It requires running an image capture campaign, weeks or months of image processing, and building a structured 3D model, and finally hosting it to support your viewing experience. Photorealistic 3D Tiles should make this job easier with a dataset that should allow you to render the video accurately overlaying your own data or Google Maps Platform data to customize your visualizations. Those most interested may be game developers who can, for example, use 3D Tiles to develop a real-world model for augmented reality experiences using tools such as Geospatial Creator.

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