Home » Microsoft Claims Sony Will Launch PS5 Slim This Year, Priced at $399.99

Microsoft Claims Sony Will Launch PS5 Slim This Year, Priced at $399.99

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Microsoft Claims Sony Will Launch PS5 Slim This Year, Priced at $399.99

Title: Microsoft Reveals Sony’s Plans for PS5 Slim Launch and Project Q Pricing

Subtitle: US Federal Trade Commission hearing highlights Microsoft’s predictions on Sony’s upcoming game consoles

Date: [Insert Date]

In a recent hearing between Microsoft and the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) regarding the acquisition of Activision, new information has emerged regarding Sony’s plans for the highly anticipated PS5 Slim. According to documents submitted by Microsoft, they estimate that Sony will release the PS5 Slim later this year at a price point of $399.99, approximately HK$3,132.

Reports from foreign media last year suggested that Sony was planning to introduce a simplified version of the PS5 Slim with a detachable disc drive in September 2022. Microsoft’s documents further support this claim, stating that the price of the PS5 Slim will be similar to the current PS5 digital version console. This means that players can choose to purchase the console without a CD player for a lower price, and later opt to buy the disc drive separately if they wish.

Additionally, Microsoft predicts that Sony’s previously announced Project Q portable game console will be priced under $300. However, it should be noted that the accuracy of the information provided by Microsoft is subject to speculation. The documents state that Sony’s new console can play PS5 games, but it is worth mentioning that Sony has officially announced that Project Q will only be able to play games from the PS5 console through Wi-Fi streaming.

As the FTC hearing continues, these revelations have added fuel to the ongoing competition between Microsoft and Sony in the gaming industry. Both companies strive to capture the attention of gamers and establish themselves as leaders in the market. The release of the PS5 Slim and the pricing strategy for Project Q will undoubtedly have a significant impact on the gaming console landscape.

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In conclusion, Microsoft’s submission of documents during the FTC hearing sheds light on Sony’s plans for the PS5 Slim launch and the pricing of Project Q. As gaming enthusiasts eagerly await more details from Sony, the battle between Microsoft and Sony intensifies as they compete for dominance in the gaming industry.

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