Home » Neu- Lippstädter Thomas Geerlings receives Excellence Award In mid-April 2023, 125 participants attended the 14th International Speaker Slam in Mastershausen

Neu- Lippstädter Thomas Geerlings receives Excellence Award In mid-April 2023, 125 participants attended the 14th International Speaker Slam in Mastershausen

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Neu- Lippstädter Thomas Geerlings receives Excellence Award In mid-April 2023, 125 participants attended the 14th International Speaker Slam in Mastershausen

His thesis “Innovation comes from connection”

He spoke about his Herzens project to have a container built to store energy from solar parks during the day and supply it to small towns at night. These containers are based on a

Thomas Geerlings receives the Excellence Award at the 14th International Speaker Slam (Image: Justin B

Neu-Lippstädter Thomas Geerlings receives Excellence Award

In mid-April 2023, 125 participants from 13 countries competed at the 14th International Speaker Slam in Mastershausen. The finalists battled each other in four-minute speeches on two stages in front of an international audience.

Thomas Geerlings was one of them.

His thesis “Innovation comes from connection”

He spoke about his Herzens project to have a container built to store energy from solar parks during the day and supply it to small towns at night. These containers are based on zinc (Phenogy) energy storage, are transportable and safe, non-flammable, unlike toxic cobalt and lithium-based batteries.

His heart bleeds when he sees children who mine the toxic cobalt and thus have a short life expectancy. He reported how he got to know this company and quickly gained the trust of the audience through his calm and present demeanor. He rounded off his contribution with a quote from Hanry Ford, “Get me engineers who haven’t yet learned what’s not possible!” He grabbed the audience with a laugh by supporting pro-blem as a positive word and asking if the audience had ever heard contrablem.

Among the participants of the 14th International Speaker Slam were well-known speakers from TV and radio as well as media award winners, world record holders and experts who have already received other awards. Viewers worldwide followed the live stream on the Internet. The scouting selection with Dirk Hildebrand from the radio experts, media expert Jörg Rositzke, ghostwriter Mirjam Saeger, scouting expert Stephanie Pierre and speaker Marcel Heß evaluated the speakers on stage. The 14th International Speaker Slam was organized by Hermann Scherer.

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Thomas Geerlings, Coach / Trainer, Keynote Speaker und Business Consulting Worldwide

Thomas Geerlings was born in Lobberich in January 1969. At the age of 19 he was working in the field service. As a service technician and technical sales manager, he traveled to over 40 countries. He lived in Suzhou China for a few years.

With his large network, he brings companies and people together to produce more sustainably.

His credo “Innovation comes from connection”

As a qualified coach, he is opening a partner location for Jobfink together with a coaching partner in Lippstadt and will, among other things, coach jobseekers according to AZAV.

Coaching according to AZAV, consulting of companies

Thomas Gerlings
Thomas Gerlings
In the oak wood 1
59556 Lippstadt

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