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Should Google fear OpenAi’s entry into the search market?

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Should Google fear OpenAi’s entry into the search market?

The fourth fact is linked to the functioning of the engines with AI. As we have explained to date essentially, they summarize the results of the search, offer citations for its answers and help users refine their questions to get the best answers. For those seeking information, the change is substantial because you go from a list of links to click to someone who answers your questions and tries to understand what you want to know. By using these tools a little for work and study, you realize that they work better, especially if the questions are complex. If, for example, you too are not clear on what you are looking for, if you are moving in terrain that you do not completely dominate, if you need questions to your questions, the possibility of sharing what you ask with third parties makes the search a shared job with prompts from multiple people together. If, however, you need more punctual, simpler and more immediate information, such as the age of the actor, the result of the football match or the location with certain characteristics, Google Search, just to name one, remains the fastest choice today, more precise and more efficient. So if you trust it and use it like a traditional search engine it can generate misinformation because a response in natural language is by its nature more assertive and convincing than a list of links from which it is easier to distance yourself.

So who is this a problem for?

In summary, as a good chatbot would do, OpenAi does not challenge Google which tomorrow during the annual Google I/0 developer conference will show new integrations of its more powerful LLM Google Pro 1.5 into its ecosystem. However, it will stimulate you to quickly change the structure of your business model for Search Generative Experience (SGE), which is the application of chatbots to search engines. . The impression is that Google has everything very clear from a technological point of view on how to make the search engine work with AI. Perhaps you lack a clearer idea about the business model, i.e. how to earn from these new tools.

It certainly complicates life for Microsoft which will have a little more difficulty in differentiating the difference between Bing and the new creation of OpenAi to its shareholders.

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