Home » the Roman fortress and the English cathedral meet

the Roman fortress and the English cathedral meet

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the Roman fortress and the English cathedral meet

The efforts of several archaeologists have made it possible to identify an ancient Roman fortress next to the Gothic Exeter Cathedral, in England. A discovery that confirmed how in the Middle Ages a large number of monuments were created near the old structures that housed the legionaries.

The fortress was built between 50 and 70 AD, that is, at the time in which the Roman Empire definitively subjected Britain, following the conquests desired byEmperor Claudiusthe adoptive father of Nero (who wasn’t exactly the worst emperor in Rome).

According to information provided by John Allanan archaeologist who is carrying out the excavations and who works for the University of Exeter, the military fortress was probably part of a “long hut”, which was located near the River Exe and which included some shops and the homes of simple civilians.

This structure was used to protect the city from enemy incursions and was built in the same years in which the military built an ancient pierwhich was discovered near the cathedral in 1971. It allowed Roman soldiers to arrive in the city from English Channel, crossing the estuary that served as a port.

By the way, according to a public Facebook post from Devon County Councilthis ancient pier was “the second largest stone building in the whole of Britain at the time of its construction”.

These archaeological excavations were carried out in anticipation of the construction of a new gallery near the old cloisters of the cathedral, which were demolished in 1656, in a period in which English administrations seemed to despise Gothic architecture. However, the new tunnel will be built respecting the foundations of the original cloisters and following these discoveries it is expected that it will be possible to access the Roman archaeological excavations via an access.

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In the last period there have been several archaeological discoveries in England which have involved Roman finds. One of the most extraordinary involved a particular object, the purpose of which is not yet known.

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