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Judge, openly: “The Senate is the hangar of the helicopter club”

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Judge, openly: “The Senate is the hangar of the helicopter club”

The national senator of the PRO, Luis Judgedefined the path to the May Pact summoned by the president Javier Miley and defined the upper house, of which it is a part, as “the helicopter club hangar”.

“Everything is very tight, very, very tight. The truth is that one had the enthusiasm that May 25 could be a thing, you see? Even still desired by those who don’t want it, by those who can’t bank on it.” , for those who find it uncomfortable that a non-Peronist president calls for a governability pact. It has been getting worse. It seems to me that that idea originating from March 1, which seemed to me to be incredibly attractive and strong, Peronism has, unfortunately, taken charge of acting as it systematically acts and as it has done in the last 50 years.”said the legislator in radio statements.

Critically, he expressed that “we come from a week where this was noted in the Senate, it was very noticeable, very explicit,” in reference to the treatment of the Bases law and the fiscal package in committees. The discussions for one of the central projects of the libertarian administration (the other is the DNU for deregulation of the economy that is already in force) took place this week, with the Executive’s idea of ​​bringing the debate to the venue before May 25 . However, questions about different points such as the Large Investment Incentive Regime (RIGI) delayed the dispute until next week.

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Meeting of the Budget and Finance Commission in the Senate

“I’m 60 years old, can you imagine? I’ve been in politics for 40 years. And the misery is incredible, infinite, unspeakable. The exactness of not wanting, of not searching, of not encouraging ourselves to do something different, you see? Always , always trying to hinder those who govern so that – since it is not ours – they fail. I come with definitions. I said that if the helicopter club existed, the vanguard was in the Senate. And I have been saying it for a while. Keep in mind that in the Senate it is complicated, everything is difficult. It is a place where historically, a few have managed things the way they wanted, they have done it the way they wanted. And I was not wrong this week, I know. noticed, it was seen, it was noticed,” Judge questioned.

In dialogue with Fernando González in Teen Country by CNN RadioJudge spoke of looking for “a twist” to the income tax with some category for the Patagonian provinces, where salaries are high.

Judge criticized Peronism and spoke about Milei’s government

Insistent with his criticism of Peronism, he added: “I think they played the whole game this week, they moved everything, they started on Monday with that idiotic threat of saying that we are going to scare the senators on the Aerolíneas Argentinas flights, they had planned very intelligently Thursday’s strike, they had planned it so that a meeting could not be held on Thursday, we would not have a commission opinion. That is, they moved all those pieces.

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The turn of the Government to save the Bases law and convince the provinces with changes

As a member of the PRO, a party allied to the government in both chambers, he assured: “This week I believe that if the government moves intelligently over the weekend and on Monday, I believe that we can get the votes to pass the law with some modifications.” “The issue of profits for the Patagonians is important, the issue of the special mining regime for the mountain provinces is also important, well you have to move with intelligence, there should not be any obstacle that does not allow things to work out even with modifications.”

Although he stated that he “did not share a lot of things” about the libertarian government, he spoke of giving it governability so that it could carry out its management. “This government has been in office for four and a half months, I don’t share a lot of things with Libertad de Avanza. I am not from Libertad de Avanza, I am not a Milei senator, but I understand that a guy is coming that the people voted for, I have established the metaphor of the mechanic. People chose a mechanic to start the car, and the mechanic comes and asks you for a toolbox. He came with that toolbox, in January we told him, no, crazy, they are a tool. a lot of tools, and we turned that toolbox over. Well, now it comes with a basic kit to start the car. Because the omnibus law, the Bases law, we don’t want to give it to you either. “Did you see?” said Judge.

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“Even out of personal indecency I would tell you, there is no reason not to give a government that has been in office for four and a half months the tools it asks of you to get started. But they all become jurists, looking for the hair of the egg. That annoys me. “It seems that people don’t care about anything,” he concluded.


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