Home » The startup everyone is talking about now: Bufaga

The startup everyone is talking about now: Bufaga

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The startup everyone is talking about now: Bufaga

If I were a venture capitalist, if I were looking for a small risky but fascinating investment, one of those challenges that if they can change the world, I would invest in Bufaga. And not just because whoever presented it – Federico Roviglioni – Monday morning at the final of the best startups in Lazio, it was a phenomenon in telling it.

And not even because then he bought up prizes, small change and handshakes, but which are still a sign not to be overlooked. I would invest in Bufaga because the idea they had, perhaps it is unattainable, we will see, but it is certainly formidable. A device to be placed on the roof of any car to absorb air pollution.

Venture capital

1.7 billion invested in startups in the first 9 months of 2022, + 109% compared to 2021

Behind this challenge are five young university students: two mechanical engineers who will build the device by December; two communication and marketing experts who are doing a good job, starting with the name, Bufaga, a bird that lives on the backs of large animals – buffaloes, rhinos, giraffes – to eat the insects that are stationed there, just like the device that startup wants to achieve; and at the helm of the team, as CEO, there is Serena Mignucci, environmental engineer: she came up with the idea. The founder.

Let’s stop for a moment on this detail: a young female engineer who leads a technology startup is rare with a pink Gronchi, those unobtainable collectible stamps that acquire enormous value.

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Well, I don’t know if Bufaga will one day have enormous economic value, but I know that if this country wants to have an industrial future, it should allow startups like this to make their product and launch it on the market. And I know we need guys like that, with this desire to change the world.

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