Home » This electric car can travel over 2,500 km on one battery charge

This electric car can travel over 2,500 km on one battery charge

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This electric car can travel over 2,500 km on one battery charge

The fear among drivers that the range of an electric car is not sufficient is so present in Germany that a separate term has even been created for it: range anxiety. But with this electric car, even the biggest skeptics would be able to get from A to B without any worries.

The student car “muc022” makes its rounds through an aircraft hangar (Image: Viktoriya Zayika / MCube)

Admittedly, the vehicle is not suitable for everyday use. The performance is still impressive. A team from the Technical University of Munich succeeded in designing an electric car that could travel 2,573.79 kilometers on just a single battery charge.

The new world record – the previous one was around 1,608 kilometers – required a travel time of around 99 hours. We drove and slept in an empty airport hangar in Munich. “With the world record, our students are not just demonstrating their sporting ambition. There’s more to it: They want to shape the future of mobility sustainably,” said Science Minister Markus Blume.

Here they are celebrating their success on Munich’s Marienplatz during the IAA Mobility 2023 (Image: Viktoriya Zayika / MCube)

For the record run, the students had to consider several factors. In addition to a large battery with an output of 15.5 kilowatt hours, a design that was as aerodynamic as possible with a resistance value of 0.159 (cW) and a low vehicle weight of just 170 kilograms were also required. In the end, the vehicle recorded a consumption of 0.6 kilowatt hours per 100 kilometers. For comparison: extremely economical series vehicles consume around 13 kWh per 100 kilometers.

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