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This jellyfish could prove fatal to humans

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This jellyfish could prove fatal to humans

Australia is known to the world for its many species of very dangerous animals. Naturally, he does not want to contradict himself and recently it turned out that a very dangerous jellyfish swims in the northern waters. A sting from him could even be fatal.

With very small dimensions, whose bell measures between 5 and 25 millimeters, the Irukandji jellyfish has four long tentacles that can even reach 1 meter of length. Due to her completely transparent body, it is not possible to see her as she swims freely in the sea.

The peculiarity of this jellyfish is that, unlike the other more harmless jellyfish, this one has gods stingers also on the bell. The stings of the Irukandji jellyfish are severe enough to cause fatal brain hemorrhages, so much so that they are described as 100 times more powerful than a cobra’s bite and 1,000 times more dangerous than a tarantula’s bite.

It just is a small amount of poison injected to cause a variety of unpleasant symptoms. Excruciating muscle cramps in the limbs, severe pain in the back and kidneys, burning sensation spread over the skin of the face, headache, nausea, restlessness, sweating, increased heart rate and psychological phenomena such as a feeling of impending doomis all that the patient experiences after the sting of this little monster.

These unpleasant symptoms last from hours to weeks and the victims are forced to be hospitalized. Treatment of this poisoning requires the use of antihypertensive drugs to control inflammation and hypertension and antihistamines. Furthermore, morphine is used to dull that pain blind testing who experiences direct contact with the jellyfish.

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If caught early, stings do not lead to death, however in Australia two people have died from dalle punture della medusa Irukandji. However, there are other killer jellyfish in the world as well, which is why you should always be careful where you swim.

In this regard, jellyfish are as strange as they are particular. Did you know that there is one with 24 eyes?

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