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Three tips to try to rejuvenate an outdated iPhone

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Three tips to try to rejuvenate an outdated iPhone

The release of the iPhone 15 on the market will take a few months to wait: the new generation of iPhones, in fact, will only arrive in September. If you are trying to “keep alive” your smartphone while waiting for the generational change, this collection of tips on how improve the speed and performance of an old iPhone will certainly do for you.

The first thing to do, if you have a rather dated iPhone, is to check for firmware updates of the device. To do this, open your phone’s Settings and scroll down to “General”. Here, you will find the “Software update” submenu: click on it and the device will automatically search for all available updates. If there are, click on “Download and install” and you will have brought your iPhone to the latest available version of iOS!

In some cases, however, the iPhone memory may be full to the point of making it impossible to download new apps and new updates. Furthermore, an overflowing memory could slow down the device and worsen its performance. So, to free up device storage, open the Settings and go to General. Here, select “iPhone Storage”: in the submenu you will see which apps take up the most memory space del device.

To delete the “larger” apps, you can uninstall them or, if they are software you use frequently, you can try to clear the data left in the cache directly from the app settings. Another thing to do immediately is to activate iCloud Photos, to limit the space occupied in the memory by videos and photos.

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Finally, the last advice we give you is to check the battery status of the iPhone: an “elderly” iPhone, in fact, tends to run down much faster than a fresh one from the factory. To check the health of your device’s battery, open your device’s Settings, navigate to “Battery” and open it tab “Battery status and charge”: Here you can see the maximum battery capacity and activate optimized loading, in order to prevent the latter from deteriorating further.

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