Home » Windows 11 Start Menu: 9 Features Users Want to See Improved or Added

Windows 11 Start Menu: 9 Features Users Want to See Improved or Added

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Windows 11 Start Menu: 9 Features Users Want to See Improved or Added

Microsoft Offers Free Upgrades to Windows 10 and Windows 11; Users Share Feedback on Start Menu

Microsoft has announced that it will be providing free upgrades to both Windows 10 and Windows 11 for a limited time. This news has sparked curiosity among users who have yet to upgrade, as they want to know what those who have already made the switch think about it. According to feedback from my friends, most of them are quite satisfied with the upgrade, although there is one aspect that many people complain about—the Start Menu.

In response to these complaints, foreign media outlet Neowin recently compiled a list of the top ten features that Windows 11 users hope to see improved or added to the Start Menu. The list was created based on votes from users, with the most popular suggestions ranking at the top. While it remains uncertain whether Microsoft will listen and implement these changes, it is still helpful for those who have yet to upgrade to understand what others are dissatisfied with.

One of the most desired improvements is the ability to close and delete the suggested block. In the Windows 11 Start Menu, there is a section that displays recently used files, which some privacy-conscious users find concerning. Microsoft has allowed users to reduce the recommended block size, but there is still a demand for the option to remove it entirely.

Another highly requested change is the ability to resize the Start Menu. Users have expressed that the current size of the menu looks odd on high-resolution screens and would prefer the option to customize it, similar to Windows 10.

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Surprisingly, there is also a significant number of users who wish to see a return to the Windows 10 style Start Menu. Microsoft may not accept this request, but they have encouraged users to provide specific suggestions for making the Windows 11 Start Menu more suitable for individual preferences.

Other features that users hope to see improved or added include the ability to display the recently used menu when right-clicking on a pinned application, using the current Settings App instead of the older “Uninstall or Change Programs” when clicking Uninstall, changing the vertical display mode of all applications to a grid, and displaying the list of all applications directly when opening the Start Menu.

Additionally, some users have suggested adding a full-screen Start Menu, similar to Mac, although Microsoft has expressed concern that it may make finding applications more challenging.

Lastly, there is a demand for the return of dynamic tiles, which Microsoft has responded to by recommending the use of gadgets instead.

While Microsoft has acknowledged the feedback and stated that they have heard the suggestions, it remains unclear whether these features will be improved or added in future updates. There have even been rumors of a potential Windows 12, which may leave Windows 11 without any further additions or improvements. Users will have to wait and see what Microsoft has in store for the future of their operating system.

Source: Neowin

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