Home » 10,000 CODERS and the pan-African forum on digital professions: when African youth transform their future in Benin – Information is an opportunity

10,000 CODERS and the pan-African forum on digital professions: when African youth transform their future in Benin – Information is an opportunity

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10,000 CODERS and the pan-African forum on digital professions: when African youth transform their future in Benin – Information is an opportunity

The pan-African forum on digital professions organized by the association 10,000 CODERS is the event not to be missed under any circumstances at the end of 2023. This flagship event will be held from October 18 to 20 in Benin.

As I indicated in this article, “Digital technology and 10000 CODEURS, a boon for African youth” 10000 CODEURS aims to transform the lives of African youth through digital technology.

The association has been deploying its vision since 2015 and thanks to its network of experts and its partners, it has brought real added value to the careers of several African talents.

Photo credit: Maurice Nontondji with permission for use

10,000 CODERS will meet you in Benin

This year, to have an even greater impact on the lives of African youth and make digital a powerful lever of development for Africa, 10000 CODEURS has pulled out all the stops.

Under the leadership of its president, Mr. Douglas Mbiandouthe association initiated the 1st pan-African forum on digital professions.

The event will bring together the best in the digital industry. Note the presence of the talented 10000 CODEURS ambassadors, digital passport holders.

The 10000 CODEURS ambassadors are the precursors of a new era in which they are masters of their destiny thanks to digital technology.

The upcoming event will offer new perspectives to young Africans. You are a recent graduate, in a career change situation, or passionate about digital, then you need to join 10,000 CODERS and this is where it happens:

Photo credit: Maurice Nontondji with permission for use

So how will the 1st Pan-African forum on digital professions take place in practice? Over three days, there will be a series of presentations and conferences.

Networking sessions and field trips will also be on the agenda. These different activities will aim to present the immense opportunities that digital technology offers.

In addition, on October 18, the Cotonou Convention Center will welcome all forum participants. An official opening ceremony with speeches from sponsors will kick off the event.

We will then get to the heart of the matter with discussions and very high-level meetings. During the first day of the forum, the emphasis will be placed on the vision of digital according to 10,000 CODERS.

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It will then be a question of putting in place strategies to get as many young people on board as possible on the wagon of digital opportunities.

The last two days of the forum will be real masterclasses which will integrate digital culture and entrepreneurship into the DNA of populations.

Photo credit: Maurice Nontondji with permission for use

Digital, a development tool for Africa

This 1st pan-African forum on digital professions in Benin is really timely given the current context of strong changes within our societies.

Do you know that there are 650 million young people aged 15 to 35 who are completely unaware of the many jobs that arise from digital technology?

A large part of African youth is unaware of the uses, professions and digital technologies. Furthermore, it is out of step with the ethical issues of digital technology.

As a result, she is unable to decipher certain company codes to plan effectively for the future.

So there is work to be done. To reverse the trend and as stated The Professor in the Casa de Papel series, “this is where the 10000 CODEURS forum comes in”. This major event will have the main objective of:

Present digital professions and the posture for a successful career Put youth and digital technology at the service of the territories Awaken youth to innovative entrepreneurship Generate employment opportunities Raise funds for the training of “10,000 CODERS” talents

10000 CODEURS is part of a pan-Africanist vision of development where digital technology serves as a vector for the propagation of the project advocated by the fathers of the pan-Africanist ideal such as Patrice Lumumba, Thomas Sankara, Kwame Nkrumah, Amilcar Cabral, Sylvanus Olympioetc.

For several years, 10000 CODEURS has specialized as a leader in awareness, training and integration towards more than 65 digital professions. The association’s vision promotes:

The emancipation of the citizen The sustainable development of territories The sovereignty of States

The pan-African forum on digital professions is a first step towards achieving an ambition. This aspiration will push Africa into another dimension.

“Build a world driven by responsible youth, which respects women and the environment and in which digital technology contributes to the progress of humanity.”

This is the motto of 10000 CODEURS

Benin power 10000

Through its support, 10000 CODEURS has enabled exceptional talents to spread their wings. These talents have established themselves as references in several digital professions.

We think in particular of the Togolese Hamdiyatou Adjama (NoCode Developer)the Congolese Yann Banvi (Senior Developer and Software Architect), Senegalese Birante Sy (Analyst Revenue Fraud Management), Nabounou Diabi (Project Director)the Beninese Pamela Fagla (Data Scientist Junior).

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Many other nuggets are being formed. They intend to write their name in gold in the annals of digital technology.

From there, you can get an idea of ​​the support that 10,000 CODERS offer.

During the Pan-African forum on digital careers, a demonstration on the concept of the association will be presented and you will see how this project changes lives.

At this meeting, the 10,000 CODERS Benin community will be the spearhead of a vast movement that will extend throughout Africa.

Benin has initiated a set of reforms in order to create an ecosystem favorable to the deployment of digital technology. It is a nation that is set to become a digital pillar on the continent.

Benin is bringing other African countries in its wake. They, in turn, create conditions for the optimal deployment of digital technology for the benefit of their population.

10,000 CODERS and the State of Benin, hand in hand to promote the forum

Photo credit: Maurice Nontondji with permission for use

Do you know that as of September 15, 2023, on the 200 profiles supported in Africa, the number of Beninese accompanied is 50, or 1/4 of the beneficiaries? This shows how the enthusiasm around digital technology is very strong in this country.

The first Beninese authorities believe in the vision of 10,000 CODERS. On Tuesday, September 12, a team of 10,000 CODERS, led by Douglas Mbiandou, was received by Madame Aurelie Ilimatou Adam Soule, Minister of Digital and Digitalization of Benin.

The discussions focused on the organization of the pan-African forum on digital professions. The minister then affirmed that her department stands ready to properly support the event.

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In addition, the Ministry of Digital and Digitalization actively collaborates with 10,000 CODERS on the association’s flagship program which is support “1 job in 3 steps”.

This program is a summary of the expertise of 10,000 CODERS to lift Beninese and African youth to the top.

Still in Benin, the national association of Communes of Benin (ANCB)which groups 77 communeswill also stand alongside 10,000 CODERS for the success of the 1st Pan-African forum on digital professions.

The Association for the Promotion of Sustainable Development Goals (APODD) will also be there to contribute to the promotion of the forum on digital professions.

Photo credit: Maurice Nontondji with permission for use

Partners who help 10000 CODEURS ambassadors to achieve their goals

Several international groups like Deloitte, InfraNum, Human Eye, WeRebase, Gomycode, Proxymex, Autodesk, Jalios, Datagong, Signature and many others, believe in the vision of 10000 CODEURS and support the association in various ways.

Dear sponsors, the 1st Pan-African forum on digital professions is an opportunity to participate in a revolution.

By joining 10,000 CODERS, you are helping to shape an ultra-dynamic ecosystem that will constitute a benchmark in the global digital market.

The eminent Ivorian economist and politician, Tidjane Thiam likes to make this statement whenever he gets the chance: “When I talk to investors, I tell them, ‘If you want to multiply your investment by 100, go to Silicon Valley. If you want to multiply it by 1,000, go to Africa”

Dear sponsors, you will not multiply your stake by 100 or 1000, but by 10000 if you join forces with 10000 CODERS. If you would like to participate in this exciting project, click here: forum-sponsoring

For forum registrations, go to this link: forum-program-conferences-and-workshops/

For any other information, you can contact the forum project manager, his excellent Maurice Nontonji

We’ll meet on October 18 in Benin to experience the 1st Pan-African forum on digital professions. Progress rages and the future has no shortage of future

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