Home » 131 companies in Guangxi have signed RCEP certificates of origin

131 companies in Guangxi have signed RCEP certificates of origin

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131 companies in Guangxi have signed RCEP certificates of origin

People’s Daily Online, Nanning, October 28 (Qin Xin) On October 27, a press conference on the high-quality implementation of RCEP in Guangxi was held in Nanning. It was introduced at the meeting that Nanning Customs carried out all-round and multi-level training on RCEP rules, and made every effort to provide enterprises with high-quality application of RCEP tax reduction and rules of origin. At present, there are 131 enterprises in Guangxi that have signed the RCEP certificate of origin.

It is reported that Nanning Customs has carried out training for local governments and enterprises through various forms such as “face-to-face between customs and enterprises”, online and offline forums, animation videos, live broadcasts on the whole network, and example roadshows, covering more than 500,000 people, and the training effect is obvious.

From January to September, Guangxi enterprises imported 758 million yuan of goods using the RCEP certificate of origin, and the benefit amounted to 36.49 million yuan. Nanning Customs has issued a total of 1,344 RCEP export certificates of origin, with a value of 619 million yuan.

(Editor-in-charge: Qin Xin, Ye Bin)

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