by admin

There is nothing surprising about what is happening in and around Niger other than the position of Moscow. At least the one made explicit by Dmitri Peskov, government spokesman, who seems to align with Western positions, Washington, Paris, London, Brussels, and the guardians of neocolonial interests in Africa, the African Union and Ecowas (Economic Union of West African States), in the request to restore order before the military junta headed by General Abdurahmane Tchiani

We await clarifying, more authoritative and explicit attitudes from Russia. Meanwhile, we allow ourselves a certain amazement in the face of an apparent distance from Niamey by the nation that has been defending Syria for eight years from a criminal Western invasion through jihadist mercenary and Israeli-US bombers. A nation invoked for relief – granted – by other African countries freed from the chains of a former colonialist power of return, engaged, this one, again in the domination, control, ruthless exploitation and in the specious defense against Islamist militias, specially raised and armed to justify the unjustifiable presence.

These are the latest developments of a revolution which has seen the population of Niger rise up against the absolutely anti-historic revanchism of the former colonial tyranny, understood as the robbery of resources which would ensure prosperity and self-determination for Niger, but which France uses to keep its civilian and military nuclear armament, a guarantee of its epigonal role in the world.

An uprising characterized, through masses with flags, banners, slogans, even the assault on the embassy, ​​on the one hand by hostility towards those who have so far raged, dominated, exploited and, on the other, by friendship and trust in those who, in Syria, Ukraine, Mali, Burkina Faso, in many parts of the world, have taken sides politically, diplomatically, economically and, in some cases, militarily, on the side of international law, human rights, sovereignty popular and national.

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In Paris, in African supranational organizations with a neocolonial feel, in Washington, in Brussels and in the offices of the directors of Repubblica, Corriere and Stampa (good, upright and independent journalists: Molinari, Fontana, Giannini) drums and tambourines of war. On the opposite front to the returning colonial dead hand, as always marked by racist and militarist metastasis, the States liberated in recent months by popular will and investiture of the national military apparatus, Mali, Burkina Faso, Guinea, declare their commitment to the defense of their brothers Nigeriens in liberation struggle.

In this context of clanging of abusive sabers and sacrosanct request for freedom and dignity, a Crosetto is surprising, who has so far presented himself on the internal and external scene in the role of Crosettsky, the Italian counterpoint of the better known Zelensky. The minister of defense in perpetual camouflage, with a helmet on his head, hand grenades on his belt and, at the lasso, the general handyman Figliuolo, from the run in sixth gear and back down to second gear when slowing down. To the militarist fregola, which marked his every step from when he was head of the arms lobby, to when he became minister of that lobby, he replaced an astonishing “calm and chalk”, regarding any raids on the “coup plotters” of Niger . We’ll see if he lasts, or if he said it before the coffee.

It makes us think that the revived Italian marshal, usually so ready to place his toy soldiers here and there on the globe, where the supreme authorities indicate it to him, even on the elementary school chairs, here does not share the itching of other people’s hands practiced by the Molinari and cronies . It’s not that this is a question of not facilitating Macron too much, who occasionally slaps us about migrants and Europe, and in return of stealing a few strips of sand from him (and uranium, gold, oil, manganese, zinc, diamonds….) In Africa?

Isn’t this what we perceived in the effusions, bordering on pornographic coupling, between Giorgia and Joe, when Joe whispered to Giorgia that he would give her a sentry box and a spingarda in North Africa as a dowry? Obviously to the detriment and mockery of Macron? And then, if the coup soldiers are supported by their entire population and, therefore, it would be a bit problematic to face the lake of blood that an assault by the Legion would entail, with the help of subaltern Afro-regimes, why not keep the card of the ” putschist” Tchiani?

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It could be good, once that glimmer of common sense had entered Western colonialist narrow-mindedness to make it understand that, beyond the bombs with the rooster insignia, which would solve nothing against an entire region in revolt, face to face face between “good” and “bad” African invaders of united army and people of Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso, Guinea and perhaps the Central African Republic, would at best destabilize half of Africa. And at worst, if these blackfaces embraced each other, rather than shooting each other, it would mark another step (“step”, as the illiterate say) towards the defeat, this time decisive, of Eur-Atlantic neocolonialism.

For whose benefit? Is Moscow thinking about it? Beijing, silent, seems to have thought about it. Between one and the other they are already the guarantors of the continent’s redemption.

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