Home » A peace summit is needed for Kiev in July: “But it must be based on our plan”. Moscow: “The Pope’s intermediation is good”

A peace summit is needed for Kiev in July: “But it must be based on our plan”. Moscow: “The Pope’s intermediation is good”

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A peace summit is needed for Kiev in July: “But it must be based on our plan”.  Moscow: “The Pope’s intermediation is good”

Kiev learn a peace summit “as soon as possible, maybe a July“, While Mosca welcomes the initiative launched by Pope francesco. While the clash between the Russian and Ukrainian armies continues on the ground, with bombings that also took place during the night and on Friday morning, feeble signs of relaxation which could form the basis for peace talks. However, talks that cannot start without a cease-fire.

It cannot be excluded that it could be a strategy to buy time, with the armies of both sides extremely tested by over a year of non-stop war and with the military stocks who are beginning to suffer, but the words spoken during the day bode well for the observers and all the actors aiming for peace. Russia was the first to speak through its Foreign Ministry, which “positively evaluates” the Pope’s initiative for a peace mission for Ukraine. Words in contrast to the much harsher ones used a few minutes away from the vice president of the Russian Security Council, Dmitry Medvedevwhich however has by now accustomed public opinion to statements that raise the voltage between the parties: the former president said that the conflict in Ukraine could continue for “decades” if “the very essence of neo-Nazi government” of Kiev is not eliminated. “This conflict will be lasting, perhaps decades. It is a new reality, new living conditions”, he said, adding that if the Ukrainian government in office remains in power “there will be three years of truce, another two of conflict and then everything will start again” again.

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The most relevant statements are instead those coming from the head of the Ukrainian presidential office, Andriy Yermakin an interview with the Russian news agency Interfax. Yermak said a peace summit “it is necessary” and Ukraine wants it to be held “as soon as possible, the ideal would be July”. However, he specified following the line drawn by President Zelensky during the last diplomatic meetings with European and Chinese leaders, the basis for this summit should be the 10-point plan presented by Kiev. And this is the obstacle to overcome for diplomacy.

“A peace summit is needed today – explained Yermak – Everyone understands this fact. Moreover, everyone accepts as absolutely logical and just the argument that the Ukrainian peace plan should be the basis for it. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s 10 points. Now Ukraine’s position is clear, our plan is the basis, but we are ready to listen to all those countries that respect our sovereignty and territorial integrity. We are ready to accept some elements of other proposals”. Also on the modalities and timing, Yermak gives indications: “Currently there are questions about where and when to hold the peace summit. Naturally, we want it to be held as soon as possible. The ideal would be in July. Consultations are ongoing. It is very important that it is a summit in which the leaders of the global South are certainly present. And, according to my feelings, we are very close to the success of these consultations. We are expecting a large number of attendees at the summit.”

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The declarations of the parties were also welcomed by the Foreign Minister, Antonio Tajani, who reiterated: “All peace initiatives will be supported, as long as peace is not the defeat of Ukraine”. The reactions of China and the USA have not yet arrived, the two other major interlocutors in the context of the conflict, even if from Washington, after the military operations that led to the trespassing of men linked to Kiev in the Russian region of Belgorod, a Another warning to Ukraine that such actions will not be supported by American allies: “We have once again made it very clear to the Ukrainians what our expectations are on attacking Russia. We don’t want to encourage or allow it, and we certainly don’t want any US-made equipment to be used for attacks on Russian soil – John Kirby said in an interview – And we have obtained assurances from the Ukrainians that they will meet these expectations. We have been very clear that we want Ukraine to be able to defend its soil, its territory. They have been attacked. They have been invaded. They have the right to defend themselves. But we have also been clear that we do not want to see this war escalate any further, the devastation and violence that has already been inflicted on the Ukrainian people.”

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