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A scholarship for the Oasis of Peace

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A scholarship for the Oasis of Peace
The Italian Association of Friends of Neve Shalom Wahat al Salam offers a scholarship to young people who wish to do a six-month internship in Israel in the Oasi di pace village, where Jews and Palestinians live together by choice: a concrete model of coexistence possible

«We believe that in this historical phase, in which peace appears to be a mirage in many portions of our planet, working towards education in dialogue and conflict management is more necessary than ever. And Neve Shalom Wahat al Salam is an excellent training ground to test yourself and learn it on the field». This is the spirit with which Brunetto Salvarani, president of the Italian association of friends of Neve Shalom Wahat al Salam relaunches the third edition of the scholarship intended for young people who wish to do a six-month internship in Israel in the village “Oasis of peace”.

«We are very happy – continues Salvarani – to be able to launch the third edition of our scholarship, which has so far provided particularly positive results». After the internship, in fact, “two young and brilliant girls decided to continue, when the scholarship expired, a commitment on the Middle Eastern question”.

The scholarship – named in memory of Franca Ciccolo and Walter Ceruti, members of the board of directors and souls of the Association for a long time – offers a young Italian the opportunity to carry out a six-month training internship at the Villaggio di Neve Shalom Wahat al-Salam starting September-October 2023.

Neve Shalom Wahat al-Salam is a village located on a hill half an hour from Tel Aviv-Jaffa and Jerusalem. It is the only community in Israel today in which Jews and Palestinians, all Israeli citizens, live together by choice, and it represents a model of equality, democracy, respect and mutual legitimacy. A concrete model of possible coexistence.

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The village was founded in the early 1970s by the Dominican Bruno Hussar, a key figure in Jewish-Christian dialogue and one of the consultors of the conciliar declaration Nostra Aetate.

Based on his ideals, Neve Shalom Wahat al Salam has created some educational institutions of great value, such as the bilingual and binational primary school (the first kind in Israel), the School for Peacethe Pluralist Spiritual Center, which includes the Garden of the Righteous, established thanks to Gariwo – The Forest of the Righteous.

During the internship, the young person will be able to get to know the village and its residents up close (today about a hundred families, equally divided from a numerical point of view); study its structure and educational institutions; develop your own research project. Above all, you will be able to share with other trainees and volunteers from different countries an experience of life and interdisciplinary work in a unique context within the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The call is aimed at students, graduates of any discipline, with a strong interest in the field of peace and conflict resolution. More information on the site: www.oasidipace.org

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