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A university without water ~ Plume de FS

by admin
A university without water ~ Plume de FS

Let me tell you about a world where people travel miles to get water. Let me take you to a world where thirst is paid for. Let me tell you about a cashless reality.

This is the story of a university, I say university, where we train the future leaders of tomorrow. A universe where students have come to acquire knowledge. You should know that the objectives have changed, they now sacrifice part of their time in search of the precious liquid. Water, we rarely see it. You have to travel a long way to find it, it’s like looking for a treasure. Difficult is the task.

However, the issue of lack of water and the implementation of solutions are not from today. Cisterns come almost every day to provide water. But it must be said that it is not enough. And sometimes the cisterns come at late hours, too late for students who have classes the next day very early in the morning.

Absence de communication

One day, when the situation had become even more catastrophic, we allowed ourselves to hear that everything was under control and that the problem would soon be resolved. Like always, they made our pain a framing effect to show so-called solutions. However, no one communicates inside to explain to us the problems of the lack of water.

A communication is perhaps too much requested? Or is it normal to have a social campus that always has water problems?

Credit: Pixabay

“The University of Excellence”

Gaston-Berger University in the city of Saint-Louis in Senegal is located between two villages called Sanar (Peulh and Wolof). A place where the climate is quite bizarre but above all marked by unbearable heat.

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This did not prevent students from traveling for miles to come to the university of excellence. We are seduced by the good training it offers, the excellent results it shows, the best teachers who share their knowledge. So why not come here?

The other side of the decor, because if the educational is good, the social is worse. No, that’s not hyperbole. A campus without water is a disaster. Excuse the exaggeration of my pen. My buckets and bottles are waiting for the end of the holidays to queue. Waiting for a cistern of water that is not likely to come or come late at night.

Will the situation change one day?

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