Home » Accident in Treviso, Eralda and Barbara perhaps died from a race between cars and a risky overtaking

Accident in Treviso, Eralda and Barbara perhaps died from a race between cars and a risky overtaking

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Accident in Treviso, Eralda and Barbara perhaps died from a race between cars and a risky overtaking

At the root of the terrible accident that caused the death of two girls aged 19 and 17 in Motta di Livenza (Treviso), there would be a race between cars and a risky overtaking at 140 km per hour.

Eralda and Barbara, the two victims of the accident

The crash would have happened after a risky overtaking at over 140 kilometers per hour on a road with a speed limit of 50 kilometers per hour.

According to what has been reconstructed so far by the authorities, it would be for this reason that a BMW was on board 4 boys around 20 years old went off the road in the night between Saturday and Sunday. The car crashed into a tree near the town of Motta di Livenza (Treviso) and died in the accident two girls aged 19 and 17.

Eralda Spahillari and Barbara Brotto they were traveling in the passenger seat, while driving was a 19-year-old currently hospitalized with serious injuries. For the 19-year-old and her friend, not even of age, there was nothing they could do: the 118 rescuers who intervened on the spot shortly after the crash could do nothing but ascertain her death.

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Barbara Brotto, 17 years old

Barbara Brotto, 17 years old

The driver and the friend sitting in front have been extracted still alive from the cockpit of the wrecked car while the Volkswagen Polo on which 4 other young people from the group were traveling was secured. The boys aboard that car were all unharmed. The magistrate on duty had both vehicles impounded. According to what was reconstructed, the two cars were heading to the same place to spend the evening.

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At one point, the drivers of the two cars would started a race. In fact, the Polo was overtaken by the BMW, which touched it and broke the rear-view mirror. The impact and the high speed would have caused the car to go off the road and crash into a tree.

Eralda Spahillari, 19 years old

Eralda Spahillari, 19 years old

The victims

Eralda, 19 years old, lived in Ponte di Piave e she worked as a waitress to help the family, but had the dream of becoming a beautician. Barbara, still a minor, he attended school and lived with his family in Oderzo.

The two 19-year-olds traveling with them were hospitalized for their serious injuries. The boy sitting in the passenger seat would have been taken in desperate conditions to the Treviso hospital.

The police have heard the friends of the 4 victims of the accident to reconstruct exactly the dynamics of that evening. Authorities are trying to figure out if the driver of the BMW could have taken alcohol or drugs before getting behind the wheel.

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