Home » American Hegemony, Hegemony, Bullying and Its Harms

American Hegemony, Hegemony, Bullying and Its Harms

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Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, February 20th

American Hegemony, Hegemony, Bullying and Its Harms

February 2023

Table of contents


1. Reckless political hegemony

2. Militaristic military hegemony

3. Economic hegemony

4. Technological hegemony of monopoly and suppression

5. Demagogic cultural hegemony



After experiencing two world wars and the Cold War and becoming the world‘s number one power, the United States has become even more unscrupulous, brutally interfering in the internal affairs of other countries, seeking hegemony, maintaining hegemony, abusing hegemony, engaging in subversive infiltration, launching wars at every turn, and harming the international community.

The United States is accustomed to launching color revolutions, instigating regional disputes, and even directly launching wars under the guise of democracy, freedom, and human rights. The United States adheres to the Cold War mentality, engages in bloc politics, and provokes confrontation. The United States has generalized national security, abused export controls, and imposed unilateral sanctions. The United States uses international laws and international rules when they agree, and discards or abolishes them if they don’t. Under the banner of “rules-based international order”, it seeks to maintain its own self-interest of “family law and rules”.

This report focuses on exposing the misdeeds of the United States abusing political, military, economic, financial, technological and cultural hegemony by listing facts, so that the international community can further see the serious harm that the United States‘ actions have brought to world peace and stability and the livelihood and well-being of the people of all countries.

1. Reckless political hegemony

The United States has long used the banner of so-called democracy and human rights to try to shape other countries and the world order in accordance with American values ​​and political system.

◆There are many examples of the United States interfering in the internal affairs of other countries. In the name of “promoting democracy”, it promoted the “New Monroe Doctrine” in Latin America, instigated “color revolutions” in Eurasia, and instigated the “Arab Spring” in West Asia and North Africa, which brought great benefits to many countries. Come chaos and disaster.

In 1823, the United States issued the “Monroe Declaration”, saying that “America is the America of the Americans”, but what they thought was “America is the America of the Americans”. Since then, the policies of successive governments in Latin America and the Caribbean have been political interference , military intervention and regime subversion. Whether it is hostile to the blockade of Cuba for 61 years or the overthrow of the Allende government in Chile, it is “those who follow me prosper, and those who oppose me perish.”

Since 2003, Georgia’s “Rose Revolution”, Ukraine’s “Orange Revolution” and Kyrgyzstan’s “Tulip Revolution” have occurred one after another. The U.S. State Department has openly acknowledged playing a “central role” in these “regime changes.” The United States also interfered in the internal affairs of the Philippines. In 1986 and 2001, it ousted former presidents Marcos and Estrada in the name of “people power”.

Former U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo published a new book “Unyielding an Inch” in January 2023, revealing that the U.S. had planned to intervene in Venezuela, intending to force the Maduro government to reach an agreement with the opposition to deprive Venezuela of the ability to obtain foreign exchange through exporting oil and gold. , to exert economic pressure and influence the 2018 presidential election.

◆The United States adopts double standards on international rules, puts self-interest first, breaks contracts and withdraws from groups, and puts domestic laws above international laws. In April 2017, the Trump administration announced that the United Nations Population Fund “supported and participated in forced abortion or involuntary sterilization” on the grounds that it had “cut off donations” to the organization. The United States withdrew from UNESCO twice in 1984 and 2017. In 2017, it announced its withdrawal from the Paris Agreement on climate change. In 2018, it announced its withdrawal from the UN Human Rights Council on the grounds of “prejudice” against Israel and “inability to effectively protect human rights”. In 2019, in order to develop advanced weapons without restraint, it announced its withdrawal from the INF Treaty. In 2020, China announced its withdrawal from the Open Skies Treaty.

The United States also opposes the negotiation of the verification protocol of the Biological Weapons Convention, hindering the international community from verifying the biological weapons activities of various countries and becoming a “stumbling block” in the process of biological arms control. As the only country in the world that has a stockpile of chemical weapons, the United States has repeatedly postponed the destruction of chemical weapons and negatively fulfilled its obligations, which has become the biggest obstacle to establishing a “chemical weapons-free world“.

◆The United States uses the alliance system to form cliques. In the Asia-Pacific region, the “Indo-Pacific strategy” is being pushed forward, the “Five Eyes Alliance”, the “Quadruple Mechanism”, and the “U.S.-UK-Australia Trilateral Security Partnership” have been assembled to create a closed and exclusive coterie and force countries in the region to choose sides. The essence is to create a region Divisive, fomenting confrontation, disrupting peace.

◆The United States wantonly criticizes the democracy of other countries, blatantly concocts a false narrative of “democracy against authoritarianism”, instigates divisions and divisions, and instigates confrontation and confrontation. In December 2021, the United States held the first “Leaders’ Democracy Summit”, trampling on the spirit of democracy and creating divisions in the world, which was criticized and opposed by many countries. In March 2023, the United States will host the “Leaders’ Democracy Summit” again, which will continue to be unpopular and unpopular.

2. Militaristic military hegemony

The history of the United States is full of violence and expansion. Since independence in 1776, the United States has used force to expand continuously, massacred Indians, invaded Canada, launched the Mexican-American War, instigated the Spanish-American War, and annexed Hawaii. After the Second World War, it provoked or launched the Korean War, Vietnam War, Gulf War, Kosovo War, Afghanistan War, Iraq War, Libya War, and Syria War, using military hegemony to open the way for expansion. In recent years, the average annual military budget has exceeded 700 billion US dollars, accounting for 40% of the world‘s total military expenditure, exceeding the sum of the second to 16th countries. The United States currently has about 800 military bases overseas, with 173,000 troops stationed in 159 countries.

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The book “American Aggression: How We Invaded or Militaryly Intervened in Almost Every Country on Earth” pointed out that among the more than 190 countries recognized by the United Nations, only 3 countries have not fought war with the United States or suffered military intervention by it. These three countries were able to “survive” because the United States did not find them on the map.

◆As former US President Carter said, the US is undoubtedly the most warlike country in the world. According to the Tufts University research report “Military Intervention Project: A New Dataset of U.S. Military Interventions from 1776 to 2019,” the U.S. conducted nearly 400 military interventions around the world from 1776 to 2019, and 34% targeted Latin America and the Caribbean. region, 23% for East Asia and the Pacific, 14% for the Middle East and North Africa, and 13% for Europe. Currently, US military intervention in the Middle East and North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa is on the rise.

Alex Lowe, a columnist for the South China Morning Post, pointed out that since the founding of the United States, the United States has rarely distinguished between diplomacy and war. In the last century, it overthrew democratically elected governments in many developing countries and immediately replaced them with pro-American puppet regimes. Today, from Ukraine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria to Pakistan and Yemen, the United States is as stubborn as ever, conducting proxy, low-intensity, and drone warfare.

◆U.S. military hegemony leads to humanitarian tragedy. Since 2001, wars and military operations launched by the United States in the name of counter-terrorism have caused more than 900,000 deaths, of which about 335,000 were civilians, millions were injured, and tens of millions were displaced. The Iraq war in 2003 resulted in the death of about 200,000 to 250,000 civilians, more than 16,000 people were directly killed by the US military, and more than 1 million people were left homeless.

The United States has created 37 million refugees around the world. Since 2012, the number of Syrian refugees alone has increased tenfold. From 2016 to 2019, Syria recorded 33,584 civilian deaths in the war, of which 3,833 were killed by the US-led coalition bombing, half of whom were women and children. The US Public Television Network reported on November 9, 2018 that the US air strike on the city of Raqqa alone resulted in the death of 1,600 civilians.

The 20-year war in Afghanistan has devastated Afghanistan. A total of 47,000 Afghan civilians and 66,000 to 69,000 Afghan soldiers and policemen who had nothing to do with the “9.11” incident were killed in the US operations, and more than 10 million people were displaced. The war in Afghanistan has destroyed the basis of local economic development and left the Afghan people impoverished. After the “Kabul Rout” in 2021, the United States announced the freezing of approximately US$9.5 billion in assets of the Afghan central bank, which was considered “naked plunder.”

In September 2022, Turkish Interior Minister Soylu stated when attending a rally that the United States launched a proxy war in Syria and turned Afghanistan into an opium plantation field and a heroin processing factory, causing Pakistan to fall into turmoil and Libya to continue civil strife. No matter which country has underground resources, the United States will do everything in its power to plunder and enslave the people there.

The U.S. military has also used appalling means to participate in wars. In the Korean War, Vietnam War, Gulf War, Kosovo War, Afghanistan War, and Iraq War, a large number of biological and chemical weapons, cluster bombs, oil and gas bombs, graphite bombs, and depleted uranium bombs were used, causing a large number of civilian facilities damage, countless innocent civilian casualties, and persistent ecological and environmental pollution.

3. Economic hegemony

After the Second World War, the United States led the establishment of the Bretton Woods System, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, and jointly established the international monetary system with the US dollar as the core together with the Marshall Plan. The United States has also established institutional hegemony in the international economic and financial fields by using weighted voting systems, rules and arrangements of international organizations such as the majority approval of more than 85% of major issues, and a series of domestic trade regulations. With the US dollar’s status as the main international reserve currency, it collects “seigniorage” from the whole world, and uses its control over international organizations to coerce other countries to serve the US political and economic strategy.

◆U.S. uses “seigniorage” to seize wealth from all over the world. With a hundred-dollar bill that costs only about 17 cents, other countries can actually provide the United States with goods and services worth $100. Former French President Charles de Gaulle pointed out more than half a century ago, “The United States enjoys the super privileges created by the dollar and the deficit without tears. She uses worthless waste paper to plunder the resources and factories of other nations.”

◆U.S. dollar hegemony is the main source of instability and uncertainty in the world economy. Against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic, the United States has abused its global financial hegemony and injected trillions of dollars into the global market, while other countries, especially emerging economies, are paying the bill. In 2022, the Federal Reserve will end its ultra-loose monetary policy and turn to a policy of aggressive interest rate hikes, causing turmoil in the international financial market. The euro and other currencies will depreciate sharply, hitting a new low in 20 years. Many developing countries will suffer severe inflation, currency depreciation and capital outflow. . Connally, the Treasury Secretary of the Nixon administration, once pointed out triumphantly but pointedly, “The dollar is our currency, but it is your trouble.”

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◆The United States manipulates international economic and financial organizations and imposes additional terms when aiding other countries. Recipient countries are required to promote financial liberalization and open up financial markets, so that the economic policies of recipient countries are in line with the US strategy, and reduce obstacles to US capital penetration and speculation. According to statistics from the International Political Economy Review, from 1985 to 2014, the International Monetary Fund implemented 1,550 debt assistance projects to 131 member countries, with 55,465 additional political clauses attached.

◆The United States is arbitrarily using economic coercion to suppress its opponents. In the 1980s, in order to eliminate the economic threat from Japan, control and use Japan to serve the strategic goals of the United States against the Soviet Union and dominate the world, the United States once again performed hegemonic financial diplomacy and signed the “Plaza Accord” with Japan to force the yen to appreciate and open up the financial market. , Reform the financial system. The “Plaza Accord” dealt a heavy blow to the vitality of the Japanese economy, and Japan has since entered the “lost thirty years”.

◆The economic and financial hegemony of the United States has been reduced to a geopolitical weapon. The United States has engaged in unilateral sanctions and “long-arm jurisdiction”, enacted the International Emergency Economic Powers Act, the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act, and the Countering America’s Enemies with Sanctions Act, and introduced a series of domestic laws. Executive orders that impose sanctions on specific countries, organizations, or individuals. According to statistics, from 2000 to 2021, US foreign sanctions increased by 933%. The Trump administration alone has imposed more than 3,900 sanctions, which is equivalent to waving the “sanctions stick” three times a day on average. So far, the United States has imposed economic sanctions on nearly 40 countries in the world, including Cuba, China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, and Venezuela, affecting nearly half of the world‘s population. The “United States of America” ​​has become the “United States of Sanctions”. “Long-arm jurisdiction” has completely become a tool for the United States to use state power to suppress commercial competitors and interfere with normal international commercial transactions, completely departing from the liberal market economic philosophy that the United States has long advertised.

4. Technological hegemony of monopoly and suppression

The United States has engaged in monopoly suppression and technological blockade in the high-tech field to curb the technological and economic development of other countries.

◆The United States engages in intellectual property monopoly in the name of intellectual property protection. Take advantage of the weak position of countries, especially developing countries, in intellectual property rights and the vacancy in related fields to implement monopoly and grab high monopoly profits. In 1994, the United States promoted the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights and forced the Americanization process and standards of intellectual property protection in an attempt to solidify its technological monopoly advantage.

In the 1980s, in order to combat the development of Japan’s semiconductor industry, the United States adopted measures including launching the “301” investigation, creating chips for bilateral negotiations through multilateral agreements, threatening to list Japan as an unfair trading country, and imposing retaliatory tariffs to force Japan to The signing of the “U.S.-Japan Semiconductor Agreement” has caused Japanese semiconductor companies to almost completely withdraw from global competition, and their market share has dropped from 50% to 10%. At the same time, with the support of the US government, a large number of US semiconductor companies took the opportunity to seize the market.

◆The United States has politicized, weaponized, and ideologicalized technological issues. The United States generalizes the concept of national security, uses state power to suppress and sanction the Chinese company Huawei, restricts Huawei products from entering the US market, cuts off the supply of chips and operating systems, coerces other countries around the world to ban Huawei from participating in local 5G network construction, and instigates unreasonable detention in Canada Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou for nearly 3 years.

The United States has also concocted various excuses to hunt down and suppress Chinese high-tech companies with international competitiveness, and has included more than 1,000 Chinese companies on various sanctions lists. The United States also controls high-end technologies such as biotechnology and artificial intelligence, strengthens export controls, tightens investment reviews, suppresses Chinese social media applications including TikTok and WeChat, and lobbying the Netherlands and Japan to restrict exports of chips and related equipment and technologies to China.

The United States also adopts double standards in its policy on China’s scientific and technological personnel. Since June 2018, the visa validity period has been shortened for some Chinese students majoring in high technology, and Chinese scholars have been banned and harassed for no reason to go to the United States for academic exchanges and students to study in the United States. Large-scale investigations have been carried out on Chinese scholars in the United States. Suppression of Chinese scientific research groups.

◆The United States maintains technological hegemony in the name of democracy. Create technological “small circles” such as “chip alliance” and “clean network”, label high technology as democracy and human rights, politicize and ideology technical issues, and find excuses for imposing technological blockades on other countries. In May 2019, the United States wooed 32 countries to hold the “Prague 5G Security Conference” in the Czech Republic and released the “Prague Proposal” in an attempt to exclude Chinese 5G technology products. In April 2020, the then US Secretary of State Pompeo announced the “5G Clean Path”, planning to build a technological alliance in the 5G field with “democracy” as the ideological bond and “cyber security” as the goal. The essence of the above-mentioned measures of the United States is to maintain technological hegemony through technological alliances.

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◆The United States is abusing its hegemony in science and technology to carry out cyber attacks, spying and stealing secrets. The United States is a major stealer of secrets in the world, and has long been notorious as the “Matrix”. Cyber ​​attacks, surveillance and surveillance in the United States are all-pervasive, and there are various means of stealing secrets, including using simulated mobile phone base station signals to access mobile phones to steal data, manipulating mobile phone applications, hacking into cloud servers, and stealing secrets through submarine optical cables.

The United States implements “indiscriminate” surveillance and surveillance. From competitors to allies, and even leaders of allied countries such as former German Chancellor Angela Merkel and multiple French presidents, they are all within the scope of monitoring. “Prism Gate”, “Dirty Box”, “Project Angry Angle”, “Operation Telescreen” and other US network monitoring and attack incidents have confirmed that US allies and partners are closely monitored by the US. The US’s wiretapping of its allies and partners has already aroused public outrage in the international community. Assange, the founder of the “WikiLeaks” website that exposed the US surveillance program, said that don’t expect the “superpower of surveillance” to act with dignity and respect. There is only one rule, and that is that there are no rules.

5. Demagogic cultural hegemony

The global expansion of American culture is an important part of its foreign strategy. The United States uses culture to strengthen and maintain its hegemony in the world.

◆The United States implants American values ​​in commodities such as movies. Through film and television products, books, various media, and funding of non-profit cultural institutions, American values ​​and lifestyles are “embedded and distributed”, creating a cultural and public opinion space dominated by American culture, and promoting cultural hegemony. American scholar John Yerma pointed out in his article “Americanization of the World” that, with regard to cultural expansion, the real weapons of the United States are the Hollywood film industry, the image design factory on Madison Avenue, and the production lines of Martel and Coca-Cola.

The United States promotes cultural hegemony in various forms, and American films, which account for more than 70% of the world‘s share, are one of the main channels. American films are good at making use of multicultural backgrounds to create appeal to all ethnic groups. As Hollywood movies continue to be released around the world, the United States has wrapped up its values ​​and exaggerated them.

◆American cultural hegemony has shifted from “direct intervention” to “media penetration” and “world trumpet”. When interfering in the internal affairs of other countries, it relies more on the Western media dominated by the United States to incite global public opinion.

The U.S. government strictly scrutinizes all social media companies and requires implementation of government directives. Fox Business Channel reported that on December 27, 2022, Twitter CEO Musk stated that all social media platforms are cooperating with the US government to censor content. The direction of public opinion in the United States is subject to government intervention to restrict all unfavorable speech. Google often makes linked pages disappear.

The U.S. Department of Defense manipulates social media. In December 2022, the US independent investigative website “The Intercept” disclosed that in July 2017, Nathaniel Kahler, an official of the US Central Command, sent a form to the Twitter public policy team, including 52 Arabic accounts, requesting Priority service for 6 of them, one of which was dedicated to promoting US drone military strikes in Yemen, such as the fact that the strikes were precise and killed terrorists rather than civilians. According to Kahler’s request, Twitter put these Arabic-language accounts into a “white list” to amplify certain information.

◆The United States pursues a double standard of press freedom and brutally suppresses the media of other countries. Use various means to “silence” the media of other countries. Today, mainstream Russian media such as Russian TV and Satellite News Agency have been banned by the United States and Europe; Russian official accounts have been publicly restricted by platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Youtu; Russian channels and applications have been blocked by Netflix, Apple, Google App Store, etc. It was directly removed from the shelves; Russian-related content was subject to unprecedented strict censorship.

◆The United States has abused cultural hegemony to “peacefully evolve” socialist countries. Establish news media and cultural media organizations specifically targeting socialist countries. The radio stations and television networks supported by the United States are responsible for ideological infiltration. The government provides huge funds and uses dozens of languages ​​to instigate propaganda against socialist countries around the clock.

The United States uses false information as a tool to attack other countries, and has formed a public opinion industry chain of “black money, black opinions, and black mouths”. Provide a steady stream of “black money” to some groups and individuals, and support them in concocting “black opinions” to influence international public opinion.


Moral support from many, scant support. Hegemonic and hegemonic bullying behaviors such as bullying, stealing, and zero-sum games are deeply harmful, and the historical trend of peace, development, cooperation, and win-win is irresistible. The United States challenges the truth with power and tramples justice with self-interest. These hegemonic practices of unilateralism, supremacy, and retrogression are arousing increasingly strong criticism and opposition from the international community.

Countries should respect each other and treat each other as equals. A big country should look like a big country, and it should take the lead in blazing a new path of international exchanges that features dialogue rather than confrontation, and partnership rather than alliance. China has always opposed all forms of hegemonism and power politics, and opposed interference in the internal affairs of other countries. The United States should reflect on itself, deeply examine what it has done, abandon arrogance and prejudice, and abandon hegemony and bullying.

Editor: Shu Mengqing

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