Home » Andrea Kiewel has an embarrassing misunderstanding with her guest

Andrea Kiewel has an embarrassing misunderstanding with her guest

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Andrea Kiewel has an embarrassing misunderstanding with her guest

Andrea Kiewel made her comeback with her “TV Garden” on Sunday.Image: IMAGO/STAR-MEDIA


On Sunday, Andrea Kiewel ended the long break of her “ZDF TV garden”. The presenter didn’t just invite top-class musical guests. In addition to Kerstin Ott and Aura Dione, who performed for the audience, former soccer stars Pierre Littbarski and Thomas Häßler were also guests.

But as in previous seasons, it wasn’t just the celebrity guests who were supposed to entertain the “TV Garden” audience. That’s why Andrea Kiewel’s editorial team came up with a game that was very reminiscent of a “Wetten, dass…?” outside bet. Kiwi met an old friend. This promptly led to a rather unpleasant situation for both sides.

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“If you have been watching TV Garden regularly for a few years, you should know him,” Kiewel announced her guest. According to her, the Italian Patrick has appeared on the show several times. A problem that the two of them are prepared for: Because he doesn’t speak German and Kiewel doesn’t speak Italian, the two have to communicate in English.

The man had brought his tractor with him and announced a spectacular event. He wanted to burst 30 balloons with the vehicle in 90 seconds. But the tractor only ran on two wheels. While Patrick steered with his right hand, he tried to pop a row of balloons with his left using a stick. A daring undertaking for which the Italian could certainly use a lot of luck.

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Kiewel asked him the best way to wish “good luck” in Italian. When he responded with “buona fortuna”, Kiewel was very enthusiastic and repeated the congratulations in her guest’s native language. There was then an irritating moment between the two.

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Kiewel asked her guest not to thank her for the congratulations. Instead, she apparently wanted to spit over his shoulder three times, which, according to a theater tradition, is also said to bring good luck. Only: Since Patrick didn’t know anything about it, he probably thought Kiwi’s gesture was an attempted kiss on the cheek.

The candidate tried to suggest a kiss on the cheek for Kiwi, which the moderator responded with a stern “Well!” clearly rejected. She then completed the good luck ritual alone. “This is new to me,” her guest explained in his defense.

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Before his stunt, Kiewel promptly announced him as “Amore Mio”. But Patrick struggled with teething problems. Kiewel tried to encourage him, but that didn’t help much, and the third attempt also failed. Before the last and fourth attempt, Kiewel wanted to calm him down and asked him to concentrate. And this time he actually managed to put the vehicle on two wheels.

During the course of his journey he burst eight balloons, then there was a short dry spell before he continued shortly afterwards. Kiewel visibly suffered with her guest and cheered him on at the top of his lungs. In the end there were 41 burst balloons. In return, the Italian was presented with a Mainzelmännchen figure made of plaster.

“The hardest thing is getting off the ramp,” Patrick explained his problems before saying goodbye to Kiewel. The two’s good luck rituals obviously worked.

The new season of “The Masked Singer” has been running on ProSieben since the beginning of April. The broadcaster revised the concept and reorganized the rate team. Regular juror Ruth Moschner suspended a season after a long time. Presenter Palina Rojinski fills her gap in the tenth season. The second regular member of the team is comedian and actor Rick Kavanian. There is always a guest juror.

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