Home » Attempted kidnapping of a child in Milan: held in the arms of a woman who tried to escape. The little boy saved by his dad, who yelled: «What are you doing? Put it down”

Attempted kidnapping of a child in Milan: held in the arms of a woman who tried to escape. The little boy saved by his dad, who yelled: «What are you doing? Put it down”

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Attempted kidnapping of a child in Milan: held in the arms of a woman who tried to escape.  The little boy saved by his dad, who yelled: «What are you doing?  Put it down”

A man foiled the child kidnapping Sunday afternoon at Gae Aulenti square, in Milan. According to what was later reconstructed by the Carabinieri of the Radiomobile who intervened on the spot, while he was out for a walk, the father saw a woman approach the child two years old, pick him up and try to move away towards the Garibaldi station.

The man, a 41-year-old Milanese, managed to get his son back. The military, after some searches in the area, managed to identify the woman, a 22-year-old Italian, based on the descriptions, not far away. The woman was charged with kidnapping. The military intervened immediately and in force by converging on the area the men employed in those hours for the extraordinary control service on the area of ​​the Central Station and the neighboring streets.

The carabinieri are carrying out in-depth studies on the 22-year-old to understand her intentions and possible ones previous. The attempted kidnapping took place in front of hundreds of people and families who, like every weekend, crowd the Porta Nuova area and the Biblioteca degli Alberi.

“What are you doing? Put it down”

The girl, Italian of foreign origins and who from the first investigations would appear to suffer from mental problems, would have approached with another woman and would have taken in her arms the child while he was playing with other children near the fountain which dominates the square. The father of the child, who remained to supervise the two children and the son of a friend, while her mothers entered the ice cream shop, after an initial moment of bewilderment, would have shouted at her to let the little one go. “What are you doing? Put it down”he would have yelled at her. The 22-year-old would therefore have immediately let go of her grip trying to get away but being intercepted a few tens of meters away by a carabinieri patrol immediately alerted.

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