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attempted murder hypothesis for female peers

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attempted murder hypothesis for female peers

Castelbelforte (Mantova) – Determined, without emotions or regrets. The two little girls authors of the bloody ambush to the detriment of one of them thirteen year old girl they have maintained an incredible attitude for their age. For now they will be visited by social services psychologistswho will also take care of theirs familieswhile the carabinieri sent their report to the judges of the Brescia juvenile court.

Le teenager they are not attributable having less than 14 years of age, but if the title of crime identified by the Juvenile Prosecutor’s Office will be, as is possible, that of attempted murder, a series of non-criminal but somewhat restrictive measures could be triggered, considering the dangerousness of their behavior. E the reasons still obscure, perhaps simple envy, of so much violence. And that the attack was particularly violent is confirmed by many facts. First the long and delicate operation (8 hours) to which the victim was subjected in the Borgo Trento hospital in Verona. Surgeons have them stitched up the tendons in the wristspoke on the deep head wounds and they are treating them a severe head injury caused by the blows received. Her parents, obviously upset, have been watching over her since Saturday evening in the hospital.

How the girl saved herself since her assailants wanted to finish her off emerges from the words of one key witness of the story, the 61-year-old Annalisa Zecchetto which Saturday afternoon was a few steps from the pitch in via Roncolevà a Castelbelforte and he has seen the teenagers rage against their partner. “One of the two in particular was astride the other, lying on the grass and there struck repeatedlywhile the other held still the victim. I managed to push them away and the poor woman on the ground only had the strength to tell me: ‘Help, I’m dying'”. The 118 doctors who arrived on the spot said the same: a few minutes and the injured young woman would have remained bled out.

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In the country in shock yesterday they reopened middle schools: the girls involved attended the third grade. The two assailants were absent, but she began her work in the classrooms a psychologist, who has collected the feelings of the other students: today she will be joined by a colleague. The school authorities they are silent, but what happened could have opened more or less deep wounds among the pupils of the ‘Martyrs of Belfiore’ middle school. The words of the s are addressed to the boys and to their serenityindigo Massimiliano Gazzani: “We are shocked and saddened, this fact came just on the eve of Carnevale castelbelfortesand which we had set up with enthusiasm after the years of the blockade due to Covid. It is a consolidated tradition and a moment of joy for our small community and above all for the boys. I hope that the party can still take place on Saturday.”

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