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Back to school and new products ~ Mondoblog

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Back to school and new products ~ Mondoblog

Welcome to this back-to-school edition of the Mondoblog newsletter. An edition that can be described as “special” because it brings its share of new features. The summer break is a good opportunity to refresh the general presentation of the newsletter to make it even more attractive!

Here you will find the traditional sections which are the featured post, the selection of notable articles from the past fortnight and our podcast, the Mondoblog Audio.

Among the new features, the newsletter will now highlight the words of a blogger by using a strong sentence written in their blog.
Also, thanks to our “freeze frame” section, Mondoblog will present the photos taken and published by bloggers, to be found in their articles.

Finally, regarding Mondoblog Audio, two audios will now be offered to you in each newsletter, to give you access to all the richness of the Mondoblog playlist.

We hope you enjoy the new newsletter format. To give your opinion, write to us at: [email protected].

Good reading and good listening !


🇬🇦 #Putsch #Gabon – Events accelerated in Libreville in the early morning of August 30. While the results showing Ali Bongo’s victory in the August 26 presidential election had just been made public, a group of soldiers from the presidential guard took the floor to challenge the sincerity of the election process. and announced the dissolution of the country’s institutions. In Cameroon, Ecclesiastes DEUDJUI questions the underside and the possible repercussions of this coup d’état, which is perhaps only a palace revolution.

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Sexual harassment is a disturbing and painful reality for many people, especially in the professional environment. Whether it involves inappropriate gestures, humiliating remarks or physical attacks, victims are often confronted with unbearable situations, marked by a violation of their integrity and dignity.

Safiatou TANOU, Ivory Coast


#WorldBlogDayWorld Blog Day is celebrated every year on August 31. This is the opportunity for the Cameroonian mondoblogger Lisa ABOU to recall what motivated her to appropriate this space of expression: writing. She writes to dream, to exist, to heal, to not forget.
🔗 Writing as therapy#WorldBlogDay – If blogging is essentially based on the exercise of writing, Mohamed CAMARA wants to demonstrate that this activity takes many forms over the years. More and more bloggers are specializing in the creation of video blogs (or vlogs), podcasts or even photography. Which makes the Malian blogger say that blogging has a bright future ahead of it, because it knows how to reinvent itself.
🔗 My life as a blogger#CoastalErosion #CIV – In Grand-Bassam, the effects of rising sea water levels following global warming are not just an illusion. Yves-Landry KOUAMÉ talks about the situation in the Ivorian city listed as a UNESCO world heritage site, which is seeing its beaches disappear under the waves. In relative indifference.
🔗 Ivory Coast: inaction in the face of rising waters#Aerial #Congo -Since July 10, 2023, Congo Airways, the national airline of the DRC, has had a new deputy general director. Before taking the co-pilot seat of this company, Mamitsho Pontshi worked as an airline pilot in the Airbus 320 family of aircraft. The blogger Maria MABA paints the portrait of a woman who fights against social determinisms.
🔗 From pilot to deputy general director of Congo Airways#Tourism #Africa – The biggest tourist destinations have one thing in common: they know how to sell themselves. And from the point of view of the Cameroonian Badal FOMOH, it is precisely on this point that the tourism policies of African countries fail. But one country is becoming an example to follow in this quest for tourist recognition: Rwanda, which has established a policy to promote the destination which is already bearing fruit.
🔗 Africa and tourism: for territorial marketing


THE Mondoblog Audio (MA) are sound clips that take blog articles from written to spoken. Every week, the Mondoblog team invites a mondoblogger to read one of its articles by recording on their phone. His blog is thus highlighted in the form of a column, halfway between an audio book and a mood post. Find all the Mondoblog Audio on the Youtube channel the RFI.

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Blogging, a catharsis? For Osman Jerome, it’s just like. The blogger pays tribute to the blog, this space which allows him to tell his story has given him an almost infinite field of experimentation.

Safous, commonly called “plums” in Cameroon, are delicacies whose Michelle Ymele likes to feast. She describes her joy at the arrival of the summer holidays, the period during which these fruits ripen.


Fabrics left to dry during a dyeing session in Guediawaye, a town in the Dakar region of Senegal. The locality is distinguished by the work of textile dyeing, which is carried out by artisans in difficult and often dangerous conditions for their health. Because we are looking in the same direction, we decided to partner with Iwaria (www.iwaria.com), the free African photos service.
You can populate this image bank with your snapshots taken in Africa.

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