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Beautiful Brena on love with Bob | Fun

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Beautiful Brena on love with Bob |  Fun

The love story of Brena and Boba has been going on for decades.

Source: Instagram/lepabrenaa

Lepa Brena and Slobodan Boba Živojinović have been together for 35 years, of which 31 have been married. The singer and the former famous tennis player, now a successful businessman, built a relationship full of trust. Today, on Valentine’s Day, the music star reflected on the emotions he has been harboring for decades.

“Love is a combination of care, dedication, knowledge, responsibility, respect and trust. When two people are aware that they cannot and should not change the other, but that they can always help the other to find the strength to progress and be better, and then it happens growth. Growth in two, as an individual but also as a couple. That’s when you come to love the other person as they are, and accept yourself as you are. It’s really true that support in life is very important, that someone loves you exactly as you are. The truth is that security gives you your refuge,” Brena wrote and added that love should be shared.

“Boba and I met 35 years ago and all that time we have been each other’s home, a safe place where we can come as we are and where no one questions us. Love is greater when shared, take care of each other, believe in yourself in order to trust others, respect each other and be interested in each other. Every day,” said Brena, who once recalled the beginning of her love with Bob.

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“I first saw Bob on some front pages. I have to tell an anecdote. When I traveled a lot, I was approached by famous and successful people who were important in Yugoslavia. It doesn’t matter if they were from the world of sports or show business. We met for the first time met at the premiere of my film ‘Let’s love,’ the second part. When the late Bata Živojinović said to me: ‘Breno, what are you doing at that promotion, do you know who is there? Slobodan Boba Živojinović is standing there. What are you doing here? , go and greet him’. I then quickly entered through the crowd and said to him: ‘Well, what have you been waiting for until now?’ and then I hug and kiss him as if we’ve known each other for many years. Boba was surprised by my performance. I was warned about him, they told me he was a big playboy. I always thought if he was as dedicated to tennis as I am to traveling and concerts, we don’t have time to meet someone. Even if you do meet, you don’t have time to get to know each other,” said the singer in the show “Amidži Show”.

(Beautiful and happy)

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