Home » Biden quips in first appearance after Nashville shooting: ‘I came down because I heard there was ice cream’

Biden quips in first appearance after Nashville shooting: ‘I came down because I heard there was ice cream’

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Biden quips in first appearance after Nashville shooting: ‘I came down because I heard there was ice cream’

“My name is Joe Biden. I’m the doctor’s husband Jill Biden. I eat Jenìs ice cream with chocolate drops. I went down because I heard there was chocolate chip ice cream. By the way, I have a whole fridge full of them upstairs. Do you think I’m joking? It is not so”. Thus the US president, Joe Bidenbegan, among the laughter of those present, a public intervention at the White House women-owned business summit in the aftermath of the Nashville shooting.

Il joke video he did in no time round the web and has received criticism from many quarters. Shortly after the “joking” start, Biden spoke seriously about the massacre in which seven people died, including the killer herself, calling it “nauseating and heartbreaking” and asking Congress to do more to “stop gun violence” . Critics, however, attacked him for the inappropriate reaction and seemingly jocular tone with which he addressed the tragedy. “To say he misunderstood the moment would be an understatement,” former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie commented on Fox News. “Beyond the ill-timed attempt at humor, Biden’s extended rambling about ice cream is likely to be used by those who say he (the president) is simply too old to be elected to a second term,” wrote the New York Post.

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