Home » Bills, a new tile for Italians: the nightmare returns I Burst of increases, it will be a difficult spring

Bills, a new tile for Italians: the nightmare returns I Burst of increases, it will be a difficult spring

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Bills, a new tile for Italians: the nightmare returns I Burst of increases, it will be a difficult spring
New gas and electricity price increases (web) – www.themagazinetech.com

It seemed like a dream to be able to pay less on bills even without the bonuses provided by successive governments and instead here’s a beating.

Yet another beating is ready to hit the citizens like a cleaver. With the energy crisis, i prices for the consumption of electric energy e you gasas everyone knows, they are increased out of proportion. And families were faced with paying exorbitant bills. The previous government implemented income support measures.

Among all we must remember the Bill bonuses. Thanks to this measure, many families were able to breathe a sigh of relief. The current government has extended these measures until 31 March and has given continuity for the next few months, albeit with some changes. Despite this, however, the families however, they find themselves facing numerous difficulty.

This is because it’s not just gas and electricity prices that have risen. In fact, they signed up price increases on everything, including basic necessities. L’inflation it has skyrocketed and in order to survive, citizens have begun to raise funds from their own savings of a lifetime on checking accounts. A tragic situation that shows no sign of ending.

And the news that has just arrived goes precisely in this direction. In fact, a new one is planned beating in this year. AND non it is at all comforting what is going on. In this article we will try to shed light on what is about to happen, so that you can find yourself prepared and ready to face the new and conspicuous price increases to come.

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A nightmare that does not end: other price increases, the umpteenth for Italian families.

There is a trend to the rise of the prices in this time. And, as always, all citizens, i.e. the end users, will pay the price. Basically, those who have no power. It’s a chain and these represent the last link. A few days ago, the President of ARERA, Stefano Besseghini.

New blow to the bill for all Italians (web) – www.themagazinetech.com

As everyone knows, He is nurturing is theRegulatory authority for energy networks and the environment. But let’s see in detail what President Besseghini said. THE prices gas and light are back on increase. And they will continue to go out Always moreover during the third and fourth quarters of this 2023 which is increasingly expected nero in this sense.

In fact, it is estimated that increases for electricity will reach 25%, while those for gas will rise by 15%. One can only imagine what the blow to energy bills will be. The hope is that other new measures can be taken and the conditions of the bonus provided for families in difficulty can be reviewed.

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