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BMW ITALY / Celebrate three important anniversaries always looking to the future – Companies

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BMW ITALY / Celebrate three important anniversaries always looking to the future – Companies

Two days ago, Tuesday 21 February, the press conference to celebrate 20 years of BMW Rome was held in Rome and, for the occasion, there was also the inauguration of the exhibition, “The Italians’ Touch”. All of this took place in the welcoming location of the BMW Urban Store in Via Barberini, the heart of the Capitoline historic centre.
Massimiliano Di Silvestre – CEO and President of BMW Italia, spoke thus of this important anniversary and not only of this one: “In 2023, in fact, we will celebrate 100 years of BMW Motorrad, 50 years of BMW Italia and 20 years of the BMW Branch Rome Three important milestones in our history in Italy and in the capital.
As always, we don’t want to celebrate them by looking at the past, but by projecting them into the future. Because we want to keep innovating. To be leaders. Designing the future of mobility and our business. A new world that we imagine electric, digital and circular. We like the idea of ​​being inspired by history, to understand how we can make a better contribution as a BMW Italy team to the future of the company. This is why in December 2022 we opened an exhibition in Milan entitled “The Italians’ touch. A story of passion” created by BMW Italia together with Andreas Braun, curator of the BMW Museum whom I thank for the enthusiasm, competence and passion he has transmitted to the project. Thank you Andreas also for being with us today. The objective of that initiative went beyond the appreciation of the Italian excellences that were being celebrated. It wanted to represent a stimulating message for the people of BMW Italia, starting from myself, to continue to make a difference especially in this phase of profound transformation of the market, technology and business model. This we told you media and our CEO Oliver Zipse who personally came to inaugurate the exhibition on December 7 last year”.

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