Home » Bologna-Inter 1-0, the report cards: Orsolini decides it, super Schouten. Dumfries the worst

Bologna-Inter 1-0, the report cards: Orsolini decides it, super Schouten. Dumfries the worst

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Bologna-Inter 1-0, the report cards: Orsolini decides it, super Schouten.  Dumfries the worst

Final result: Bologna-Inter 1-0

Report cards of Bologna – Edited by Andrea Piras

Skorupski 6.5 – Closes the door to Inter strikers. The wet substitution and the rain don’t lead him to block many balls but he always rejects every conclusion with his fist with reactivity.

Posch 6.5 – Limit Gosens’ push from his side. Lots of physical and absolutely regular recoveries, he accompanies the action on the right wing by putting so much speed into going to the cross.

Sosa 6,5 – Facing Lukaku and Lautaro is certainly not easy and when the Belgian plays with his back to goal his physicality suffers. Better when in elevation he makes the balls that arrive towards the center of the area.

Luke 6.5 – Some risk when he has the ball at his feet due to pressure from the Inter players. But when he has to defend, he’s still solid against a high-quality attack, winning many duels.

Cambiaso 6.5 – Very aggressive in the left lane, manages to contain the rants from Dumfries. In the first half he engages Onana with a powerful shot from distance.

Ferguson 7 – Often swaps with Dominguez to support elements of the offensive department. He starts the action from below and moves forward as his team develops the game. From 84′ Moro sv

Schouten 7 – He does a lot of work when putting pressure on Inter’s quality midfielders. A lot of intensity and a lot of competitive spirit but also precise passes for teammates. The assist for Orsolini’s goal was perfect. From ’87’ Medel sv

Orsolini 7.5 – He moves very well on the right wing showing really important quality flashes. And when the match is coming to an end, he unlocks the match with a conclusion that leaves Onana no way out. From 87′ Aebischer sv

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Dominguez 7 – You can tell he’s confident. He always looks for the play for the closest man to press the Nerazzurri ball carriers in the opposing half of the pitch. Too bad he was on the trajectory and offside from Barrow’s shot.

Soriano 6,5 – It’s close to the second consecutive Euro-goal after the one against Sampdoria. Quick to pounce on Onana’s rebound, he kicked with first intention, however, only hitting the crossbar. From the 84th minute Kyriakopoulos sv

Barrow 6,5 – He doesn’t give points of reference to the Nerazzurri defence. He moves a lot on the front of attack and finds the goal with a precise diagonal. However, the goal was canceled by the VAR due to an irregular position by Dominguez. In the second half he could handle some situations better. From 87′ Raimondo sv

Thiago Motta 7.5 – His Bologna wins and convinces. Yet another great performance by the rossoblu who find their fourth victory in five races and begin to smell Europe.

Inter report cards – Edited by Ivan Cardia

The TMW story of the race

Drunk 6,5 – On an aquaplaning turf he immediately ventures into a thrilling double dribble: Bologna is a treacherous field for Inter goalkeepers, but he manages. A few uncomplicated but useful saves can do nothing on Orsolini.

Darmian 6 – That icy little hand doesn’t lead to the penalty: doubts remain, even if the evolution of the match will remove the episode from its history. A decisive save in the second half, from the side could push more.

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The Free 5.5 – Pay the price of the admonition, a now consolidated management by Inzaghi in these cases. Few obvious smudges, complicated at first also because Barrow doesn’t give references. (From 46′ Unripe 5.5 – The best thing? From the left wing he offers Dzeko the lead ball. But with the ball given to Barrow he offers the starter of the goal).

Wands 5 – Lots of worries, like all the defense: on that side it can’t contain the opponents and even more flaws than usual in maneuvering. Where was it on Orsolini’s goal?

Dumfries 4,5 – Forty million euros, put like this, will be a mountain to climb, complicated even for the best salesman in the square. He suffers in defense, he is almost never seen in front. (68′ D’Ambrosio 5 – Between bad luck and incomprehension, on the slippery ground, it is his ball that gives Bologna the winning break).

Mkhitaryan 5,5 – In a midfield with two other setters, he’s the one who struggles the most to find a dimension. Mention for the attempt from outside, one of the few dangers in the Inter first half. (From 64′ Stretcher 6 – Enter and Inter find spaces they didn’t see before: it’s no coincidence. But he is also the receiver of the pass from which Orsolini’s goal was born).

Brozovic 5.5 – A lot of running, a lot less ideas. Alchemy with Calhanoglu is uncharted territory, especially in contests of this type. More than an inaccuracy. (From ’83’ Carboni sv).

Calhanoglu 5,5 – Performance-wise, he’s actually the least bad of the three in midfield. It weighs like a boulder, however, that ball sent to the stands with a practically empty goal.

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Gosens 6 – The best in the field of his, for large stretches. First half so-so, in the second half he grows and pushes, he needs two solar goals. Bad for the goal, even if it wasn’t his clod and Inter were restarting: Orsolini escaped him.

Luke 5 – He puts on slicks and, like everyone but more than many others, he often slips. Ups and downs, the second ones beat the first ones: the best thing is the escape on the right which leads to Calhanoglu’s mistake. (Dal 64′ Dzeko 5.5 – He enters and feeds Skorupski with what should be the advantage ball).

Lautaro 5.5 – Another exit more no than yes. He too skids in the wet, the understanding with Lukaku is refining but it is certainly not that of good times.

Simone Inzaghi 5 – From stars to rags? Yet another away knockout, yet another misstep after the Champions League. You can’t relax for a second, when the ugliness seems to be behind you, Inter stumbles again. Some specific responsibilities – that midfield is not convincing in the face of Bologna’s mobility – but more generally, many, too many questions: let’s forget the Scudetto, call into question the ticket for the Champions train.

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