Home » China’s CCP virus spreads and more countries adopt entry restrictions | Japan | Airport controls | Chinese tourists

China’s CCP virus spreads and more countries adopt entry restrictions | Japan | Airport controls | Chinese tourists

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Beijing time:2022-12-31 04:39

[NTD Times, Beijing time, December 31, 2022]Due to the outbreak of the epidemic in China, the CCP has never released real data, and is even more worried about the possibility of new variants of the virus. The United States, Italy, India and other countries have imposed restrictions on passengers entering from mainland China. . On Friday, South Korea, Spain and other countries also announced similar border epidemic prevention measures.

On Friday (December 30), Japan began implementing antigen testing for people arriving from mainland China. In addition, direct flights from mainland China are limited to four airports in Narita, Haneda, Kansai and Chubu.

South Korea also followed Japan, announcing that starting from January 5, it will begin to implement entry testing for Chinese tourists.

Jee Youngmee, official of the Korean Agency for Disease Control and Prevention: “From January 5th, all Korean and foreign passengers who take flights from China to South Korea must submit a negative PCR test result within 48 hours, or undergo a rapid antigen test by an expert within 24 hours. .”

The South Korean government also said it was necessary to temporarily avoid short-term travel from China to South Korea, and would restrict the issuance of short-term visas to Chinese citizens until the end of January.

Italy in Europe is the first country to impose mandatory testing on Chinese passengers. Starting from December 26, the main airport in Milan, Italy, tested passengers arriving from Beijing and Shanghai, and found that nearly half of them had been infected with the CCP virus.

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Italy hopes that EU countries will follow up and implement mandatory testing for all passengers from China.

Spain confirmed on Friday that it would follow up on the move.

Spanish Health Minister Carolina Darias: “At the national level, we will impose controls at airports requiring travelers from China to show a negative COVID test or have been fully vaccinated.”

Separately, Britain is expected to decide on Friday whether to require travelers arriving from China to be tested for the virus.

Comprehensive report by Li Mei and Jiang Dia, reporters from NTDTV

URL of this article: https://www.ntdtv.com/gb/2022/12/30/a103611311.html

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