Home » Covid, the Court of Ministers closes the investigation against Conte, Speranza and the other ministers

Covid, the Court of Ministers closes the investigation against Conte, Speranza and the other ministers

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Covid, the Court of Ministers closes the investigation against Conte, Speranza and the other ministers

While in Bergamo the investigation against the executive on the management of Covid explodes, the Court of Ministers closes the complaint of the families of the victims and of the grassroots union representatives who had asked to investigate the executive leaders for the spread of Covid-19. In no way “the epidemic can be said to be caused by government representatives” reads the filing provision for Giuseppe Conte, Roberto Speranza, Luciana Lamorgese, Lorenzo Guerini, Luigi Di Maio, Roberto Gualtieri and Alfonso Bonafede, holders of a series of measures during the pandemic emergency.

Impossible to impute anything to the representatives of the government, says the Tribunal: «It must be reiterated that, above all in a situation of uncertainty such as the one described above, it was not required of the government bodies to adopt tout court measures capable of preventing any diffusion of the contagions that did not take into account the need to reconcile different interests and in particular the protection of health and the maintenance of the socio-economic fabric of the community”. The judges do not recognize the hypothesis of manslaughter multiple hypothesized by the complainants: «To verify guilt, one should know the genesis of the infection of the individual victims and establish beyond any reasonable doubt that containment measures that have not been adopted by the Government or ordered late would have avoided the contagion or the ‘fair outcome’.

In other words, the prerequisites themselves (from a legal point of view) would be missing for contesting any crime, given the overall uncertainty: «Scientific instruments are not able to ascertain these circumstances and it is not possible to exclude third party liability considering that the spread of the virus it largely depends on the virtuous behavior of the community”. It is impossible to ascertain criminal liability even in terms of omission: in fact, it has not been demonstrated that the adoption of further containment measures “would have prevented the contagion”. He criticizes the position of the lawyer Vincenzo Perticaro among the complainants (for Asia Usb): «Unlike what is said in the filing, we are not deniers, let alone no vax. We have denounced precise responsibilities of the World Health Organization on which we have not had any response from either the prosecutor’s office or the court. The proof that we were right is offered by the Bergamo prosecutor’s office where we filed our complaint with different outcomes »he says.

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