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Cvijanović left the session of the Security Council Info

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Cvijanović left the session of the Security Council  Info

The Chairperson of the BiH Presidency, Željka Cvijanović, left the session of the UN Security Council during the address of the High Representative for BiH, Kristijan Šmit.

“I left the session of the UN Security Council during Christian Šmit’s address, because he was not verified in the UN Security Council, because he continues to make an experiment out of BiH, placing himself above the democratically elected institutions, for which the Dayton Agreement did not give him a mandate. And the other day he stated: “I am the one who decides”, and I tell him that we are the ones who decide because the people elected us”, Cvijanović wrote on Instagram, along with a video of her leaving the session.

Cvijanović is in New York, where she will address the UN Security Council today during the debate on Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Schmidt’s address was not attended by the heads of the permanent missions of Russia and China at the UN, who do not recognize him as a high representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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