Home » Dušan Vlahović received gruesome threats Sport

Dušan Vlahović received gruesome threats Sport

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Dušan Vlahović received gruesome threats  Sport

A morbid message for the Serbian ace from Paris, while negotiating with the French champion.

Source: Profimedia/Nicola Campo

Serbian goal scorer Dušan Vlahović received gruesome threats in front of the Paris Saint-Germain stadium, with whom he allegedly agreed all the details of his transfer from Juventus. “If you come to Paris, we will cut off three of your fingers”, it says on the banner of PSŽ fans who apparently came from Pristina, considering that they also had a banner with the name of that city.

The assumption is that they sent this morbid threat to the Serbian footballer because of the gesture he used to celebrate Serbia’s victory against Portugal and qualification to the World Cup. Then, together with his teammates, he put on a T-shirt that said “Kosovo is Serbia” and with that he raised three fingers, and the football association of the so-called country “Kosovo” announced that it was preparing a lawsuit against the Football Association of Serbia.

A year and a half later, on the day when it was announced that Vlahovic had reached an agreement with the Parisians and that it was only waiting for Juventus to agree, this morbid threat surfaced. Will she jeopardize a possible transfer? It’s hard to believe, but surely no one likes to see such messages.

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